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Author, Speaker, Former Sheriff, Detective, Gun Rights Activist, FBI, Instructor, Supervisor, Administrator
Elderly Care Manager, Investigative Archaeologist, Giza Foundation Founder, Author
Chaplin, Author, Public Speaker, Whistleblower, Oil Industry Insider
Diplomate, Investment Counsellor, Professional Futurist, Speaker, Author, Lecturer
Musician, Composer, Organic Gardener, Social Activist, Author, Writer, Translator, Spiritual Humanitarian
Social Critic, Influential American, Politician, Consumer Advocate, Attorney, Writer, Author, Lecturer, Senator, First Green Party Presidential Candidate
Swami Beyondananda, Author, Humorist, Workshop Leader, Writer, Performer, Author, Blogger, Spiritualist, Sponstaneous Evolutionary
Author, Radio Host, Human Rights Activist, Philospher, Newspaper Reporter, Communications Director, Press Secretary, Media Coordinator, Columnist, Blogger
Historian, Playwright, Political Activist, Author, Director, Producer, Pilot, Doctor of History, Teacher