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NOVEMBER 21, 2010

Bonnie MacDade and Lucia Mitro discussed how to Find Your Light and Make It Timeless.

On Sunday night,  November 14th, 2010, Elizabeth Joyce spoke with Stephen Lewis, founder of the AIM Program, and co-author of Sanctuary. Stephen believes that everything is energy and everything has a frequency. Those frequencies that are out of balance with our natural harmony, perhaps causing a disturbance within our bodies, can be identified and removed. Participants of the AIM  Program have seen wonderful, healing results. This ministry is a giant step into the future, where each of us is our own totally enlightened healer.

Sun of God University with The Hosts - show #16 on BBS Radio

Sales Executive, Traveler, Bicyclist, Writer, Author
Clinical Psychologist, Therapist, Author, Lecturer, Meditator, Senior Trainer

Nicolya Christi is the founder of the New Consciousness Academy, Cofounder of WorldShift International, and author of  2012: A Clarion Call, She lives in Rennes-le-Chateau, Southern France.

We'll be chatting about the first fully written account of the First Nations Peoples' oral wisdom teachings for evolving consciousness and much more.  The New Year is soon to breakthrough and this is a great way to move into 2014.  Join us.

Author, Writer and Evolutionary Guide

We have two guests today. #1 - Kurt Koonz - a man who loves to walk and walked across Spain.  He has lots of wonderful tales to share about how the trip changed him as a person on multiple levels.

Guest #2 - Joseph Gallenberger - He works with the Monroe Institute and has developed a CD that alters your state of mind for prosperity and abundance.

Two dynamic guys with good insights to share...join us.

We will be discussing the way Lorraine works as a Transformational Therapist and why past lives are so valuable to people in understanding their lives.  She teaches classes around the world and you have a chance to hear some of her unusual stories.  Join us.