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Psychologist, Future Directed Therapy Developer, Director, Professor, Author

The Divine Energy with host Tom Paladino!

Scientist, Tom Paladino, has developed a scalar energy technology that has the capacity to send energy to clients all over the world that subtly influences their body's bio-field inducing repair while simultaneously devitalizing pathogens!  See the power of scalar energy yourself in this photo of Tom hold light bulbs over the scalar field that light up without being plugged in!

Join Tom as we explore the invisible world of energy and how it can change your life!

DEBORAH BURGER RN - Co-Founder of National Nurses United speaks about the recent Ebola crisis at the Dallas Hospital in Texas and her organization's concern over the safety of healthcareworkers there and across the USA as this disease spreads.  Deborah takes questions from around the world addressing concerns of listeners.

Psychic Vampires, who are they and what do they want? Find out how Psychic Vampires can feed off of your energy without you even knowing it! Sometimes you might feel tired, get a headache, notice aches and pains and it might be from someone draining your energy. Sometimes friends, famiy, neighbors, customers, or other people in your life can drain your energy without realizing they are doing it. Others, might be doing it on purpose! Learn about this topic and how to stop it!

Chat with Dr Black with Douglas Newsom

ET Yoga with Charles Green This Episode was all about First Contact and the ET Yoga spin on the latest news including amazing facts and socking ET news.

The Eclectic Visionary Show with Judianne Cannizzaro & Judy Colantuono

Debut #1 Show on BBS Radio

School of Human Potential with Allen Vasberg with special guest Deborah Lange

Life is full of stories, but we are not our story.  Find out the difference and its significance for you.