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His Gospel Power with Dr Rick Hertless

with Dr Rick Hertless and Ron Steudle

10-18-17 1 Peter 2:18 Submit Yourselves to Your Masters

God says that we should honor him no matter the circumstance so that others might know of grace of God through Jesus Christ. Peter says that we are to honor God even in the instance of being a slave. He does not tell us to fight the bounds of slavery, rather, he says that we should be the best slave that we can be. Then, through the grace of God, others might come to know Jesus as Lord.

His Gospel Power with Dr Rick Hertless

His Gospel Power with Dr Rick Hertless and Ron Steudle

10-17-17 1 Peter 2:13-16 Live As Free Men

If we are in Christ, we are to live as free men. We are free no matter the circumstances of the world. However, God tells us to remain pure. We should not use our freedom to do evil. Peter said, “. . . do not use your freedom as cover-up for evil.” God wants his children to show the world how the righteous are to live. We are to honor God in all situations whether slave or free.

Dare To Dream with Debbi Dachinger

Dare To Dream with Debbi Dachinger

Guests, Jane Guyn and Gary Sinclair

Creation Lightship Healings with Ron Amitron

Creation Lightship Healings with Ron Amitron - MONDAY

Speaker, author, and leader in Energy Medicine, and founder of META, the Memory Energy Therapy Association
UCLA trained registered nurse, Certified Professional Sex Coach, Core Energy Coach and Doctor of Human Sexuality
The Wynn Free Conference Call LIVE with Wynn Free

The Wynn Free Conference Call LIVE with Wynn Free

Wynn Free, Terry Brown, Ra, Law of One, elohim, Edgar Cayce, spiritual understanding, Learning to be Spiritual, Understanding the Spiritual Universe, Global Energy Healing

Spiritually Naked with Steven and Stephanie Banks

Spiritually Naked with Steve and Stephanie Banks

Guest, Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.

Image below "This is what miguel was seeing while speaking with solomon."

This is what miguel was seeing while speaking with solomon.
Inspire Possibility Show with Mark Susnow

Inspire Possibility Show with Mark Susnow

Guest, Henry Shreibman

Rabbi Henry Schriebman, Finding Inspiration in These Troubling Times