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Sabbath Worship Services with Pastor James Rice

The Overcomer Ministry

Sabbath Worship Services with Pastor James Rice

With messages from Brother R.G. Stair, The Voice of the Last Day Prophet of God

episode 6-1-2024

Classic Redneck Radio with Brother Billy Redneck

Classic Redneck Radio with Rabbi William Dean aka: Brother Billy “Redneck” Dean

Episode 6-01-2024

Dare To Dream with Debbi Dachinger

Dare to Dream with Debbi Dachinger

Guest, Elizabeth April, a clairvoyant, intuitive psychic, and best-selling author. Multiple alien abductions, human alien hybrid DNA and new Predications. ELIZABETH APRIL is an international psychic and spiritual teacher. She’s got a multitude of followers, and her extrasensory gifts have gained popularity on her YouTube channel, her podcast and best-selling book.

Multiple Alien Abductions, Human-Alien Hybrid DNA & New World Predications

Dare To Dream with Debbi Dachinger

Dare to Dream with Debbi Dachinger

Guest, Nan Akasha, a 7- time bestselling Author, hypnotherapist, and doctor of Homeopathy. Nan Akasha is a “heart chakra with legs” and has studied with Shamans, healers, and master’s around the globe. 

Discussing three newsletter over the last two weeks:

Conscious Creation with Dee Wallace

Conscious Creation with Dee Wallace

The Bonfire with Jesse Bradley

The Bonfire with Jesse Bradley

Just Choose Hope, The Treasure Chest

LaGrave Live with Reverend Peter Jonker

LaGrave Live

LIVE Morning Worship Service 6-09-2024

Title: Alive to God

Rev. Scott Hoezee will lead us in worship. His sermon title is “Alive to God” and Romans 6:1-11 will be the sermon text.

LaGrave Live with Reverend Peter Jonker

LaGrave Live

LIVE Evening Worship Service 6-09-2024

Title: Hope in the Desert Times of Life

Rev. Henry Admiraal will lead us in worship. His sermon is titled "Hope in the Desert Times of Life.”

Debbie Solaris is a Galactic Historian, Akashic Records Guide, Star Soul Intuitive, ET Contactee, Public Speaker