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Fritz Springmeier is foremost a follower of Yahshua the Messiah. He gave his life to Christ when he was 13. And believes that what happens with his life is not about himself but about Christ. As Christ wanted to save the world, Fritz has also done projects that would significantly help improve the world. He believes that we are called to love our enemies and do good to our enemies. Evil can not be overcome with more evil. His life can only be understood that Christ came to give us life and a more abundant life even in the here and now.
Dr. Ketchum is the founder of DNA Diagnostics. Established in 1985, DNA Diagnostics has become a leader in all types of DNA testing including: human and animal forensics, human and animal paternity and parentage testing, disease diagnostics, trait tests, animal and human identity testing, species identification and sex determination. Most common species of animals are tested at DNA Diagnostics. Dr. Ketchum has also established a research program ranging from gene mapping to developing the VeriSNP™ (patent pending) platform for universal genetic evaluation in multiple species of animals.
Rev. Reenie Panzini discusses her work with gifted children and their families. Francine and she have a few laughs, enjoy enlightening conversation and answer email questions. This is a must listen to for anyone who has children with special gifts or had psychic moments as a child themselves. This show is both informative and fun! Reenie resides in Lancaster PA, but is available for telephone and skype consultations. She can reached through her website at
I live in Canada - and I'm a creative pursuer of peace. A Spiritualist (but you already know that by reading this site) ...who is big on self-study (not just introspection, but a love for books as a means of learning).
Join us as we discuss the many levels of Heaven, and how we continue to go to school on the otherside.
Mr. Nassif represented the organization serving on the Los Angeles Task Force on Human Trafficking and Child Prostitution, the Los Angeles County Unity Coalition, the Los Angeles Metropolitan Task Force on Human Trafficking. He also serves on the Advisory Board of the Enough is Enough Campaign to protect children and families from online pornography.
He worked with U.S. State Department personnel on human trafficking and was a guest at the White House when President George W. Bush signed the Trafficking Victims Protection Act reauthorization.
August 21, 2013 Los Angeles, CA Take Back Your Power, the first crowd-funded documentary investigation into the heated controversy over smart meters and the energy utility industry, today announced the public pre-sale for its exclusive digital premier September 5. Smart meters has been at the center of an energy conspiracy alleging massive utility overcharges, invasive monitoring of every device in the home and serious, adverse health risks impacting millions of individuals worldwide.
The True Testament introduces you to "Simon Peter's True Testament", a book that tells the true story of who Jesus was and what he actually taught, much of which has been distorted or left out of the New Testament. There are shocking revelations, and wonderful, liberating truths. Prepare to be amazed! And relieved! And made free from the false teaching of original sin, and released from the fear of death. The book, "Simon Peter's True Testament", will change your life.
RESUME Charles S. Faddis 3435 Kings Retreat Court Davidsonville, Maryland 21035 410-798-1525 443-603-6044 ¬¬¬EMPLOYMENT Served 20 years in the Central Intelligence Agency as an Operations Officer. HUMINT SUBJECT MATTER EXPERT, TRAINING SECTION, ARMY STRATEGIC INTELLIGENCE UNIT – April 2011 – Present. Conduct platform instruction and role-play. Design complex HUMINT training courses. Supervise teams of contract personnel. Evaluate overall training program. Provide operational guidance as required.
James Swagger was first introduced to topical science writing for a historical mysteries magazine in Ireland. Sadly it doesn't run anymore but it did wet his appetite for researching ancient knowledge and lost science in a professional sense. Initially it was for a favour due to his science and engineering background, although his career in this field soon took him away to Europe. James trained as a Systems Analyst in the energy industry. He has a taught Masters degree in engineering, a Bachelors degree in Physics with astronomy, and a Masters degree in Science, Research and Society.