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Julian Rose returns to speak eloquently about his battle with the EU in Poland, which was about to steamroll over the millions of peasant farmers, evicting them to create vast corporate "modern, sterile food manufacturing" plots for global production. We speak about GMOs, chemtrails, organic farming and the subtle energies which are part of the local farming wisdom. The love exchanged between all life is then lost and the quality of life greatly diminished. I woke Julian up at 4:00 A.M. and he mentions this at the start!
This episode included information about the California crop circle and families uniting with hybrid children as a prelude to the main theme of the Pleiadian Equal Value System, Ubuntu, Gold and its properties, Monatomic Elements and Alchemy.
Health Disclosure - Sequence to Obesity and Disease with Adam Masters on BBS Radio!
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.
Tonight's session begins with Shusara revisiting last weeks topic of third party communication and answering a listeners question concerning it. She also addresses how little verbal communication is actually necessary in our lives and asks us to become more aware of how we use our words. Then Shusara reads about Pope Francis and his address following the Third Vatican Council in December and makes a point of how he is speaking from the level of The Christ to all of us.