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Doug Elwell is the president and founder of Doug Elwell, Inc., a client-focused communications consulting firm that provides comprehensive, integrated marketing communications solutions and strategies to businesses and organizations of all types. Doug first began studying communications (and computers) in 1986, acquiring a bachelor's degree in Cinema & Photography from Southern Illinois University in 1990.
Anna grew up in a Swedish family that consumed a traditional diet of meat and carbohydrates. But at the age of 15, her entire family became vegetarian and Anna’s interest in the intersection of health and nutrition began.
Unlike other pychics who rely on the symbolism of the Tarot cards, Joan is a clairvoyant and draws on her own psychic powers to give accurate and indepth counseling by reading from only a half a deck of playing cards. She provides guidance on personal and business issues.
Joan Carra is also a medium and can successfully contact 'passed on' loved ones, creating closure by delivering messages from the other side. She has worked with bereavment groups to help heal people suffering from grief.
My role is to energetically transmit the sound and light codes to prepare individuals on all levels of mind, body and spirit for soul ascension, so that we may better adjust to the energetic changes ahead and so that our bodies may be recreated into greater light.
Ramon E. Lopez received his B.S. in Physics in 1980 from the University of Illinois, and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Space Physics in 1984 and 1986, respectively, from Rice University. He is currently a Professor in the Department of Physics at the University of Texas at Arlington. Dr. Lopez is a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) and a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
Julia Assante is an established social historian of the ancient Near East (PhD Columbia University). Yet for over three decades she has also been an active professional intuitive. In her book, The Last Frontier: Exploring the Afterlife and Transforming Our Fear of Death, she applies the insights and methodologies gained from both fields in order to present a uniquely rigorous investigation of where we go after we die.
Rebecca Willman Gernon started writing at age 11 when she produced the Dolland News a small daily newspaper typed on her grandmother's old manual typewriter. She also wrote small plays and skits that she had her dolls perform.
Her career with the federal government included a great deal of writing, most of it boring and full of legal mumbo jumbo. In the evening she wrote humor.
Every filmmaker has their story, that they went against all odds and made the impossible happen and cut corners each step of the way with obstacles in their path. But my story is how I made something out of nothing. All I had was an idea; a dream and I had no idea how I was going to manifest it into reality. In 1994, I was living in Dallas Texas, fresh out of college with an economics degree. I was waiting tables at Macaroni Grill. The world that I lived in just didn’t seem right to me. We were still fighting wars over land, race and religion.
When I was 17 years old, over the course of six weeks, I heard a male voice speaking to me. I vividly remember stating, “I cannot hear you, you do not exist! I am not crazy, and no one is going to tell me I’m crazy.” At that time I had no knowledge or experience with the energies that exist in the universe. I was also sure that if my parents knew that I was hearing a voice they would have intervened with medical attention. Other than the strange voice, I lived an ordinary life, and went out of my way to avoid horror movies, ghost stories, and The Twilight Zone
Dean Henderson was born and raised on a cattle ranch near Faulkton, SD. He earned a BLS from the University of South Dakota in 1987 and an MS in Environmental Studies from the University of Montana in 1991. He founded/published/edited one of America’s first political “zines” – The Missoula Paper - in 1990 in Missoula, MT – where he was also a regular columnist for the Montana Kaimin.