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Melanie is German and lives in Brussels. During two decades, she has gained valuable experience in public relations and events management of international associations. Her former positions involved close cooperation with the European Institutions and organisation of numerous international conferences and trade shows.
Susan Avila-Smith is a former Army linguist who has experienced both MST (Military Sexual Trauma) and PTSD (Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder). As a veterans' advocate for those with MST and PTSD she has to her credits approximately 4,000 claims settled on behalf of fellow veterans suffering from MST, PTSD or both.
KIRBY DICK is an Academy and Emmy Award nominated documentary director. His most recent film, OUTRAGE, which was nominated for an Emmy and released by Magnolia Pictures, is a searing indictment of the hypocrisy of powerful closeted politicians and the political and media institutions that protect them. In 2006 he directed THIS FILM IS NOT YET RATED, released by IFC Films. A breakthrough investigation of the highly secretive MPAA film ratings system, the film compelled the MPAA to make long overdue changes in the way it rates films.
Dr. Gay HannaGay Powell Hanna, Ph.D., M.F.A., an arts administration leader with 30 years management experience in the arts, education and health related program services, is the executive director of the National Center for Creative Aging (NCCA), an affiliate of George Washington University. NCCA is an interdisciplinary nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering an understanding of the vital relationship between creative expression and the quality of life for older people regardless of ethnic, economic status or level of physical or cognitive functioning.
Breakthrough Brain Health for Optimal Mental Clarity and Mood Management
Tony Stephan has a rare tragedy-to-triumph story about the mental health of loved ones as he developed a brain-nutrient supplement - internationally tested over 15 years - with unprecedented results.
Emmy nominated casting director Craig Campobasso is writing, producing directing his Short Film Stranger at the Pentagon based on the popular UFO book about Created Being Valiant Thor (from Venus) who lived at the Pentagon under the Eisenhower Administration. This film is in post production.
His first book The Autobiography of an ExtraTerrestrial Saga: I AM Thyron is about the star seed program currently underway on Earth from Melchizedek.
Radames Pera now Radames Pera was born in New York City in 1960. He moved to Hollywood with his mother in 1963 so she could pursue her acting career (their first apartment was around the corner from the historic Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd.). In 1967 Radames was discovered by director Daniel Mann and cast as Stavros, the dying son of Anthony Quinn and Irene Papas in A Dream of Kings (1968). His mother found him an agent and he ended up guest-starring in several TV shows in the late 1960s and 1970s.
Dr. Grace Gawler DHM (dist) DBSc ATMS Mem IPOS (International Society for Psycho-Psychology) has been involved with teaching cancer survival strategies for more than 39 years. Trained as an Herbalist/ Naturopath with an early background working in veterinary medicine with her ex husband who became a cancer patient in 1974. Over the years Grace became a pro-life cancer recovery strategist and trained in body psychotherapy with Ilana Rubenfeld in the USA.
Deanna Adams is a freelance writer, essayist, writing instructor, and speaker whose articles and essays have been published in Ohio Magazine, Writers' Digest, Northern Ohio Live, The Plain Dealer, Sesame Street Parents Magazine, Soho Magazine, Lake County Business Journal, Today’s Family, Lake Erie Living Magazine, and other publications. She also contributed an article on the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum for the The American Midwest: An Interpretive Encyclopedia.
Chaplain Anne, a Jewish believer, with her husband Chaplain Bill, a veteran, have written the book: A VETERAN -- HOW TO GUIDE, born out of the many frustrations Chaplain Bill had encountered in trying to collect his rightful veterans' benefits.
Both Chaplains Anne and Bill are dedicated to helping others find solutions in their times of need. Chaplain Bill also issues regular Bible Studies and Chaplain Anne is also a gifted painter.