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Spirits Work, March 28, 2010

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Courtesy of BBS Radio
Japanese Dolphin Slaughtering Practices: Does this make for the perfect options of the fact we often don't do anything to right the wrongs of our world? At least some of  us try don't we? Is it ever enough? We can often feel as though we see it then why doens't everyone else on the planet recognise this mischeif of barbarism for what it is?  We try to call things what they are and 9/10 people listening to this but what about the other 5and a 1/2 billion who need to understand also. Often they are in the payment of such countries condonned behavior and still we bleat on like repetitive it ever going to make a real difference? We have to recognise its acts like these which holds us as a race, away from ourselves, find out why in this show!

Spirits Work

Spirits Work with Mick and Sylvie Avery, banner
Mick Avery and Sylvie Avery

“Our aim is to bring truthful information and knowledge through our gifts of spirit. To help people enhance their lives and the lives of others, and to restore the balance and the well-being of the planet.”

About the hosts: Mick and Sylvie are international spirit mediums, healers, teachers, authors, and radio show hosts, who travel globally inspiring and assisting others on their journey of life. They are world renowned mediums, helping people both sides of life wherever they go.

Mick has an exceptional and unique gift of spirit. He is a deep trance medium and live on the Spirits Work Show' he channels an enlightened spirit guide called Gregory Haye, who engages in articulate and absorbing dialogue with Sylvie and callers who wish to participate and ask him a question.

About the show: Gregory is the resident guest on the show each week. He is the charming and articulate spokesperson for an educational spirit group called The White Cloud Group, who have come to help us and our world regain some equilibrium, setting us onto a path of higher purpose and a road to peace.

Profound: The wise teachings of the White Cloud Group are informative, non judgmental, inspiring, and uplifting to those who are aware of the need for positive change and the raising of the vibration of the planet. They consist of a broad spectrum of experts including: scientists, physicists, alchemists, geophysicists, medics, cosmologists, artists, environmental pioneers and inventors, along with ordinary people. Each week Gregory talks about a different topic that is always compelling listening, threaded with astounding information that could never be gained any other way.

Sylvie is the shows host and assists Mick by providing the energy for Mick's trance state. She is also a physical medium. They are leading authorities on anything and everything to do with the spirit world and are dedicated to the awakening of the spiritual nature we all have within us and showing us how to achieve it.

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