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The Cosmic Poet, May 4, 2006

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

Cosmic Poet - May 4, 2006

The Cosmic Poet

The Cosmic Poet with Douglas Newsom
Show Host
Douglas Newsom

Because of You

From hello to goodbye
and time in between
to the outcrops, outer limits
to the hilltops, eyes within us,
to our dreams
From strings to matter
to the holes, to life after
to beginning again, to the end
throughout universal revolutions
to our amen
Because of you I am!

"Opposites come together, because they are in fact one!"

ME: I am a student of other's masterful works! Having reached a spiritual awakening, an instant transformation, the complex has become simple, and life has become more beautiful! Engage me as I embark on thoughts aplenty and food for it!

  • Forget-me-nots: Live Life! Love Others!Meditate once in a while!
  • About-me: I love good poetry, unique conversations, fine wine, and great cuisine!
  • Questions-to-ponder: If you’re born nearsighted, does that mean you’re genetically predisposed to focus inwardly? Does an atom retain information? How many dimensions are there? What is the “100th Monkey theory?” Does a hierarchy need to exist? Where did the word God come from? Have you made anyone smile today?
  • Quote: “Beauty exists in the eye of the beholder, but should more importantly exist in the eye of the possessor.”
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