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Brightlights Pathfinders, December 11, 2008

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

Animal Totums and intense value of being still ... Medicine walker Joins me once again with pleasure as well as Carmen discussing the Huge White Owl that flew into my face 2 radio shows ago while on air as well as during Medicine Walkers mothers Passing on December the 9th she as well witnessed the Great white Snow Owl right in her face describing the image of the huge golden eyes just inches from her eyes as with me and the enormous spread of its mighty wings. as we discuss the meaning of this totum animal and others along with Christanity and the Guardian Angels Saints and various other Religions in which are so lenier in their belief system THank you Carmen and MedicineWalker Kimberly for Joining me though I had a little technical difficulty the archive doesn't even flinch thanks to our staff

Brightlights Pathfinders

Brightlights Pathfinders with Cathy Cook, banner
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Cathy Cook

Brighlights Pathfinders with Cathy Cook!

Cathy Cook is a well rounded artist of many mediums in which she allows "The Knowing" to guide her soul path, not only walking the path, Tassy becomes the path. Cathy Hill Cook is a generational Shaman Medicine Woman known as Grandmother Wisdom. When not broadcasting or teaching Cathy loves the creative flair of her well known work Cathy Cook Creations 3c. Mastering in the art field as well as photography. Cathy Hill Cook has been schooled for Human Services as well as Commercial Art and Advertising, completing other collage courses as well. Look her up on the internet in many names such as Bridging Wisdom Cathy Hill Cook and her very saught out saged works under the name of Brightlightspathfinders. Upon searching one of her names in which she blogs just type in any word searching to find links to her teachings and videos. Cathy has over 40 years plus in the metaphysical industry.

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