A 3-Minute Video that went Viral to 90 Million, Launched a Movement
When you see a successful man, you’re probably familiar with the saying: “Behind every successful man there is a strong woman.”
But did you know that these days, that goes both ways?
This Friday, July 15th, (9pm EST / 6pm PST) the New Reality Solutions show hosts welcome Worldwide Keynote Speaker, Former Disney Leader and 7-Time Bestselling Author & Executive Coach to 2000 Companies) Simon T. Bailey.
Simon reveals the Secrets to Multiplying Success and to creating a real gender equity for Men and Women
He had a true realization one day, as a result of an interaction with his daughter. That was when he realized that supporting women in deep, committed, focused, authentic ways inspires them and creates a whole, vibrant and empowering climate that helps men grow, too.
Simon declares this to be “The Age of the Woman” and in his exciting book
Ignite the Power of WOMEN In Your Life: A Guide for MEN
He shows men how to step up to fulfill their role in sparking themselves and the women in their lives for the betterment of all!
Join Dr. Art Emrich and Dr. Christina Winsey on this live, call-in talk show on BBS Radio (https://bbsradio.com/newrealitysolutions) at 9pm EST / 6pm PST.