In this video, we discuss Police Wellness and Resilience, and the soon to be released book "Living Blue" being written by Barbara Rubel and Jason M. Palamara.
Law enforcement occupations have higher prevalence of burnout and secondary traumatic stress than many other occupational groups. The purpose of this new book is to provide law enforcement officers, their families, and the communities they serve with practical information to aid in the prevention of occupational vicarious trauma, burnout, and compassion fatigue.
Regardless of how long you have been working in law enforcement, it is evident that the job can be highly stressful and, as a result, can have a dramatic impact on the health and well-being of officers. Through the real life experiences Jason Palamara had as an NYPD Cold Case detective, and Barbara Rubel’s expertise as an author, researcher, trainer and speaker, this book will be a practical guide to help police practitioners understand the nature of occupational stress and the importance of wellness and resilience. It will outline the main risk factors, the impact of vicarious trauma, and guidelines for resilience and stress-management. The authors draw on their extensive experience of working with police and other first responders to provide a comprehensive, accessible, and evidence-based resource.
In law enforcement, police officers and firefighters experience some of the highest rates of job-related stress, trauma, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This new book, Living Blue, will focus on how law enforcement officers can cope with vicarious trauma. Vicarious trauma is the result of police officers witnessing the trauma to or death of another person, and it can lead to physical and psychological disorders.
At Responder Resilience, we are dedicated to helping our brothers and sisters in blue. We recognize that with increased exposure to trauma and stress, law enforcement, firefighters, EMS and other first responders face unique challenges in the workplace and at home.
Jason M. Palamara is a U.S. Navy Veteran and a retired New York City Police Department Cold Case Homicide Detective. Jason has served as a peer support counselor with the NYPD, he’s also a John C. Maxwell certified life coach, and founder of First Responder Coaching. Jason has been a recent guest on Responder Resilience, speaking about his role as director of Veteran & First Responder Engagement for Forge VFR.
Barbara Rubel, is a leading authority and award-winning author on burnout, secondary traumatic stress, compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma. As a nationally recognized keynote speaker and trainer, she motivates law enforcement officers and victim service providers to focus on wellness and resilience. She was featured in an Emmy award winning documentary and is the author of: But I Didn’t Say Goodbye: Helping Families After a Suicide, the 30-hr. CE course for Nurses, Loss, Grief, and Bereavement, and the CE course, COVID-19 Loss, Grief, and Bereavement. Her website is www.barbararubel.com