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In this episode, we speak with yoga instructors Wendy Boscia and Steve Zagami. They explain the benefits of Yoga for First Responders to reduce stress, boost mental clarity, and to improve flexibility, strength, energy and vitality.
Yoga for Responders on Responder Resilience
Broadcast Date

Yoga for Responders: Powerful Tools for Stress Relief

In this episode, we speak with yoga instructors Wendy Boscia and Steve Zagami. Wendy comes from a family of responders, including her dad and brothers, and Steve is a retired U.S.M.C. Sgt., and FDNY Firefighter.

Wendy and Steve will explain the benefits of Yoga for First Responders, who are exposed to emotional and physical stressors and injuries. Yoga, meditation and breathwork offer benefits that can reduce these stressors and help maintain the resilience required to help others in their time of need. The practice of Yoga and Meditation can reduce stress, improve flexibility, muscle strength, respiration, energy and vitality.

We learn:

How would doing Yoga be relevant or helpful for a First Responder?

What would the immediate result of practicing Yoga be?

How does yoga help take an stressed overactive mind and calm it down?

What can responders expect if they practice yoga a couple of times, what could they look forward to if they practice yoga in their day to day experience?

Is there a difference between yoga and meditation?

Premieres Wed, 7pm ET — ⫸ Watch replays anytime after Premiere



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Yoga for First Responders