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Daniel Hanneman
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Discovering & Embracing Unique Gifts…Help for Highly Sensitive people

*Have you always had the feeling you don't fit in?

*Do you have, what many consider, "unusual" abilities?

*How do you navigate a harsh world with a soft heart and create success your way?

Such was the challenge for Daniel Hanneman. 

As a professional counselor, certified hypnotherapist and business coach, teaches empaths, healers and spiritual entrepreneurs of all kinds, to create the success they dream of.  He is CEO and creator of the Your Sacred Purpose and shows his students how to embrace their full power, their greatest gifts and their truest purpose while also enjoying profound money success.

Join Dr. Art Emrich and Dr. Christina Winsey this Friday, March 11th at 9pm EST / 6pm PST, as they interview this amazing healer and entrepreneur.