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Special STRONG AND FREE edition ß readings of extracts from all 16 insoirational stories
Inner Hippie Club Radio Show 13 December 2021
Broadcast Date

On today's show, you can listen to extracts of all 16 STRONG AND FREE stories! There is so much wisdom and inspiration!

And get your copy of the book on 17 December on Amazon. All buying links will be available at!


Is your life feeling flat?

Have you lost your joy and purpose and want to get out of the rut?

Are you done with meeting society’s expectations?

Done with the overwhelming pressure of trying to fit into everyone else’s mold?

And do you want to start a new relationship with yourself where you are leading a life in full alignment with your values and purpose, but are scared what your family and friends would think of you?

Whether you want to escape the rat race, finally tick off those items on your bucket list, or realize an outrageously adventurous dream – this compilation of stories by strong and amazing women who have been there and done it will inspire you, encourage you, and lift you up. In their own voices, they show you what it takes to overcome adversity and to break with society’s expectations to lead aligned and purposeful lives.

These women are beautiful examples of how much you can achieve if you are determined to improve your life. Their stories are touching, emotional, devastating, and funny. You are invited to come to their circle, sit down, grab yourself a coffee and experience some inspirational storytelling that will change your life.