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An Open Letter to President Vladimir Putin from Reverend Kevin Annett, April 11, 2021

An Open Letter to President Vladimir Putin from Reverend Kevin Annett, April 11, 2021

An Open Letter to President Vladimir Putin from Reverend Kevin Annett

An Open Letter to President Vladimir Putin from Reverend Kevin Annett

April 11, 2021

Dear Mr. President,

It has been three years since I sent to you my exhaustive report on the ongoing crimes of genocide in Canada and asked for your assistance in stopping these atrocities. I remember with appreciation the warmth with which I was received by your diplomatic officers. I also recall your own courage in speaking publicly of the genocide of indigenous people on my continent, with whom I have struggled for justice for the past quarter century.

Mr. President, I am writing to you now with some urgency and as a direct appeal for assistance. I am presently facing arrest and imprisonment by the Canadian government after discovering evidence of High Treason and Crimes against Humanity by their officials working in a secret alliance with China. The very government officials seeking my arrest were named last month in an indictment issued by our Citizens’ Grand Jury that is investigating crimes on Canada’s west coast. These crimes include the trafficking and murder of indigenous people and the silencing of the government’s political critics, including our movement to establish a sovereign Republic in Canada.

Three years ago, I asked you to send Russian peacekeepers and human rights observers to Canada to protect our investigators into these crimes. Today I repeat this request with even greater urgency. My own life and the lives of vulnerable eyewitnesses are at great risk. Our Grand Jury investigation has been shut down and I am being actively hunted by private security agents of Bill Blair, one of the government officials named in our indictment.

Mr. President, when I helped bring to light the genocide of native people in Canada in 2008, and instigated the resignation of Pope Benedict in 2013, I knew that a higher power was protecting me and my defense of innocent children. As a Christian minister who has assisted at spiritual exorcisms, I have witnessed divine power at work in our world. But that divinity lies in our hands as well in our capacity to do what is right regardless of the personal cost. As John F. Kennedy once said, “If the sun comes up every morning it is because of people of good will. And that is all that stands between us and the Devil.”

Mr. President, in that spirit of good will, I appeal now to your conscience and ask for your assistance.

I look forward to your reply or that of your assistants, with whom I will gladly share more details of my situation and the investigation we are conducting.

Please accept my assurance that what we are uncovering is of great strategic importance to the security and wellbeing of your country.

Sincerely and respectfully,

Reverend Kevin D. Annett, M.A., M.Div. (aka Ciaran D. Buchanan) ,