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My name is Michelle and I am a singer/songwriter and I started Mold the Heart, L.L.C. 

I always wrote songs growing up, without any instruments, just singing the story.

At 18, I went into the military and fell away from God completely, after having my innocence be preyed upon, and my naive view of the world shattered. 

After being prescribed mental health medication, I had my first suicide attempt two months later at 19 years old. 

When I fell away from God, I fell into a lot of sin; I sinned and others sinned against me. This caused a lot of pain in my life, and others lives. 

I went through a two year sexual abuse investigation in the military where I was mandated to do counseling and take mental health medication. During the course of those two years of full time counseling and medication, I attempted suicide 3 more times. 

And after being retired from the military, at age 25, I attempted suicide another time. 

Long story short, it wasn’t ten years of counseling, medication, self help books, a relationship, therapy or any substance use that saved me, it was Jesus Christ. 

Obeying His Word, being set free from demonic possession (literally) and the bonds of sin, it was the hope of eternal life with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ that saved me.

I now live a sober life, full of purpose, and joy without the use of medication. When I go through trials or suffering, my strength comes from Jesus, reading his word, praying, worship, and practical ways of healing like taking walks, support from other believers in Christ, and songwriting. 

God led me to songwriting at the exact same time that He saved me, and this played a vital role in my healing and purpose for life, as I felt that God wanted me to combine my experiences and talents and faith into songwriting.