Champion for Justice
Tim McCormack has been a champion for justice in our communities for over 28 years with proven experience, trusted leadership, and integrity.
Everyone, regardless of politics, deserves to be safe.
Over my 28-year career, I have sought justice for victims and provided fairness to the accused. I have cultivated strong, collaborative, and productive working relationships with all criminal justice providers including law enforcement, judges, prosecutors, support staff, defense attorneys, and victims of crime.
Your district attorney should pursue justice in your community without any predetermined agenda.
As your District Attorney, every decision I make will not be dictated by politics or how it will affect political careers. Rather, every decision I make will be dictated by my desire to keep you and your family safe from those who will do you harm.
Elections have consequences. Compromising your safety shouldn't be one of them. The public safety of our communities, and the prevention of criminal activity in the first place, should be the top priority of the District Attorney's Office.
Please join our team in that effort. Thank you for your support.
Biography for Tim McCormack can be read in full at https://mccormackforda.com/meet-tim/