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Guest Name
Paul Foss
Paul Foss
Guest Occupation
Musician, Composer
Guest Biography

Paul Foss

Composer, Producer, Drummer and Cosmic Pecussionist

I have been composing successful production music since 1988 and as a result my work has been heard in many countries around the world. I have written original music for many different areas of television, feature films, staged events, award ceremonies and corporate productions. I have written title themes, station ident packages, promos and commercials for many UK and International TV Broadcasters.

I have scored over 50 hours of international award winning TV documentaries including…..

From Jesus to Christ, Commanding Heights, The Red Files, The Story Of Aids.

All of these titles are mini series that have been broadcast in the UK and across North America on PBS.

As well as working as a composer I am also very active in other areas of music, performance and production. As a Drummer [since the age of 15] I played semi pro then pro with many English bands and was a session man for a number of artists.For a number of years I have worked as a Producer mentoring various recording artists and bands in the UK and Europe.

Since 2010 I have been composing, producing and performing music with the Alchemysts of Sound, a musical collaboration essentially between myself and crystal sound healer Lui Krieg. Lui introduced me to a tuned percussion instrument called the Hang. The Hang is an amazing and sacred instrument. For those of you who have not seen it, the Hang looks like a UFO, or two woks joined together with a bump on the top.!!!

Discovering the Hang was a revelation for me. I could play rhythm and melody at the same time, change tempo at the drop of a hat, create and layer loops, all with two hands and no digital technology. It was like playing a crazy ‘piano drum’!!!!....The Cosmic Percussionist was born.

As a performer playing sacred instruments [such as the Hang and Harmony drum] combined with the skills that I have learned as a composer [over the past 20 years] have become very valuable tools for me as an artist. To harness my abilities and project positive and warming sensations that enable people to go into deep meditation is very rewarding for me. I am looking forward to creating new sounds and music that will continue to help people relax and enjoy inner peace and harmony. 

In June 2014 I started a creative and writing partnership with Stevie KosmetiQ who is a very experienced composer, producer and sound designer. Together we are Qritikal Media…. creators of innovative visual music. 

With our combined talents we deliver world class composition, production and sound design for our clients and collaborators. Since it’s inception Qritikal Media have produced award winning original music for global brands including Ferrari World [Abu Dhabi], Toyota [Geneva Motor Show] ISRAR awards [Saudi Arabia]

ADSW [Abu Dhabi] Battersea Power Station [UK] Samsung [BBC worldwide] PandO Ferries[UK TV]

I am very honored to be appointed as the Musical Director for the Inaugural MBS concert in Beijing 2015. 

Along with our amazing artists and performers, Qritikal Media will be working to create a memorable and lasting   experience for every person in the audience at the ‘Evolution of Consciousness concert this October.

We will be using particular sound frequencies in our music that resonate deeply with our physical bodies and enhance  our 'inner vibrational’ responses. These frequencies have been recognized throughout history as powerful tools in the fields of healing, well being and self enhancement.