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Guest Name
Nanybel Salazar
Nanybel Salazar
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Guest Biography

People call me Nanybel.

The following are “tags” that really don’t define who I am:

A Mom to 2 wonderful grown up sons who are my best friends and allies, an accomplished Portraiture Artist, a Certified announcer for radio and TV in Spanish, a certified Translator and Court Interpreter. I’m trilingual, have lived in 4 different countries, in 9 cities, and have traveled extensively around the World.

I’ve been married 4 times to very different men from different countries, religions and upbringings. And have also been divorced 4 times, but still believe in loving, committed relationships and in marriages! (You might think: how can that be possible?)

You see, such tags are just some of the things that I’ve done or achieved…

I am actually a persistent, caring, determined and self-motivated human being; I spent all my life editing myself to suit other people’s needs and expectations, to fit in my “inside-the-box” loving family, school and society’s traditions.

I’ve lived most of my life feeling like a butterfly whose wings were self-crippled, to be able to fly just enough to feel that I was OK, but not so high or long to be criticized or punished.

And my free-spirited me have felt trapped many times; but I’d talked myself into believing that that was the path, my mission, and that was it. I was wrong.

So now I am on a mission to speak up in a super frank, free and unedited way to debunk life and relationship myths, to give you tools you might not have, sharing with you all my life experiences, listening to yours, and do it while having fun!