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Guest Name
Leyton Cougar
Leyton Cougar, Animal Lover and Sancuary Director
Guest Category
Guest Occupation
Animal Lover, Sanctuary Director
Guest Biography

My journey over the past 14 years has taken me from volunteer who lived in the neighborhood and started out just one or two days a week to Executive Director in 2003.

At any given time I am responsible for the health and well being over 50 plus wolves and wolf dogs… and one little Red Fox Romeo.

I had the pleasure and privilege to work with Raven a beautiful black and silver timber wolf. We spent nearly twelve years as the educational ambassador team for Wild Spirit.

Teaching in schools, clubs, groups any where we were invited all around the southwest. In 2001 Raven joined me as my best man in my wedding to my bride Georgia. Shortly after marriage Raven became my daughter Lakota’s canine uncle of sorts.

Children grow up fast but wolves grow old to quickly, Raven passed Easter morning 2009 fourteen years and seven days old, he will be forever missed.

Over the past three years my small family and a few of my staff have had the opportunity to raise thirteen wolf pups three of which are ambassador wolves in training.

My love affair with living in the woods with wolves has taken me on a roller coaster ride of emotions and wild experiences. I am a privileged man to be able to live this dream and be up close and personal with one of natures more fantastic beasts.

I know that I have seen and done more things with wolves than possibly any other human on planet earth…and for that I am eternally grateful!