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Dr. William Schnoebelen
Dr. William Schnoebelen
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Guest Occupation
Reverend & Certified Natural Health Professional
Guest Biography

Since his miraculous salvation in Yah’Shua (Jesus Christ) over 28 years ago, Rev. William “Bill” Schnoebelen has faithfully pressed into the calling and anointing of God to teach Biblical revelation to the Body of Messiah and lead the lost into salvation. A prayer warrior, Biblical scholar, and author, he founded With One Accord Ministries in 1992. Since then, the anointing of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) has allowed him to minister to thousands across the globe through preaching, books, videos, and countless booklets, articles, and tracts. He earned a Masters in Theological Studies degree in 1980 and a Master of Arts degree in counseling in 1990. Following the Holy Spirit’s lead, he acquired degrees in Naturopathic Medicine and Nutritional Herbology becoming a Certified Natural Health Professional in 2004. Listed in Who's Who in Religion, William’s newest book, Romancing Death, sheds light on the current pop culture vampire phenomenon (TWILIGHT, etc.), and is scheduled for release in March 2012.

Recognized as a Biblical authority on alternative religions and the occult, previous to his salvation Bill spent sixteen years as a teacher of witchcraft, spiritism, and ceremonial magick. To Yah’Shua’s glory, the Ruach has continually used Bill’s experience as a Druidic high priest, ordained spiritist minister, and former satanist to teach Christians the intricacies of spiritual warfare and minister to those lost in cults. He also spent nine years as an active member of the Freemason fraternity (both York and Scottish rite) and five years as a devout member of the LDS (Mormon) church, where he held numerous offices, including elders’ quorum president. Bill held temple recommendations in the LDS church for four years.

Rev. William “Bill” Schnoebelen’s autobiography, Lucifer Dethroned, is a gripping account of his descent into the darkest side of mysticism and magick and subsequent restoration through grace and the love of Yah'shua. His testimonies are thorough historical surveys of contemporary satanism. His second book, Blood on the Doorposts, is the prayerful result of thousands of hours spent counseling people to freedom from oppressive religious systems or dysfunctional relationships – this book functions as a graduate-level course on prayer therapy and spiritual warfare.

Masonry: Beyond the Light, a best-selling book, is heralded as the finest book on Freemasonry written by a former Mason. A thorough survey of the history of the lodge, this testimony examines the spiritual dynamics that underlie Masonry and examines its rites and practices in relation to the Light of the Bible.

Space Invaders is the fruit of thirty years of research into the UFO enigma and contains astonishing Biblical answers to some of the most perplexing aspects of flying saucers and the alien abduction phenomenon sweeping the country. It places saucers and aliens under the light of YHWH’s Holy Word with amazing results. This information prepares readers for some of the coming end-times deceptions.

Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie is a treatise of modern white witchcraft from the view of a former Wiccan high priest who taught and initiated hundreds of novices over many years. The Craft's harmless appearance is revealed as a mask for more ominous spirituality.

Rev. Schnoebelen speaks to congregations, at conferences, and ministers on a wide variety of topics, including:

  • Soul winning
  • Health, addictions, and healing - both spiritual and physical
  • Apologetics for the Bible and Bible study
  • Spiritual Warfare and Liberation
  • The UFO phenomenon
  • Examinations of various religious groups - including (but not limited to) Mormons, Freemasons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Witches