"Hold your power. speak your truth. come from love." - Anita Roberts
Anita has been working in the field of violence prevention and women's empowerment since 1976. She is the founder and guiding force behind SafeTeen’s internationally acclaimed Community Violence Prevention Programs. Chosen as a Canadian representative on Violence Against Women to the United Nations, Roberts is visionary, inspirational speaker, and award winning author. Her book, SafeTeen: Powerful Alternatives to Violence has been translated into Japanese and Chinese. Roberts has traveled to five continents to empower women, train educators and parents, and teach youth to hold their power, speak their truth and come from love.
Anita Roberts is a dynamic speaker who brings personal narrative, an engaging sense of humour and a passionate presence to her work.
Anita Robert’s TEDxTalk: http://tedxtalks.ted.com/video/TEDxIsfeld-Anita-Roberts-The-Tr;search%3Atag%3A%22TEDxIsfeld%22