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 Beloved Lady Athena,
I have just listened to the last answered or made clearer to me and brought me into a greater acknowledgement and acceptance of what is going on in my life. I spend most of my time alone and in silence or chanting not outwardly doing much yet within that I most time feel a great sense of peace, just now and then that little voice says you should be doing something.

I started to detach from my family although we all live together. I am not through that completely yet as I find in certain situations I get involved. You mentioned attachments to grandchildren...ooooh...I have the most adorable little grandaughter who is such a joy and inspiration. I love this star child so much. I am concerned about her upbringing but I know the time we  have together is important for both of us. She already recognises Sai Baba,  Jesus, JR, JM, Babaji, and Mother Meera from pictures I have. She chants Ani Hu with me and I have now explained to her she can chant it silently inside when others are around  She announced to me the other day that she chants it while she is sleeping!!!.  She now has all she needs to remind her of who she is I know. Yes, I see that now so I can detach and just enjoy her presence. Wow.Thank you again for these enlightening seminars.


Gloria Carter ( from the UK)