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Dear Johnny Blue Star

Thank you for all your enormous work shining a light where there's darkness, if or when our other selves wake up is none of our business eventually in this life or the next everyone does. A sage in India once told me after I shared with him my concern about the greedy insanity overwhelming our planet and wondered why only a handful of people can perceive the intent behind all the bullshit, He said we are here to learn and to fulfill leftover desires the reason you see it is because hundred of thousands of years ago in many many many lifetimes you tryed the same things and eventually learned that loving, kindness, giving and sharing are all that truly matter in the end the same goes for all those who feel, sense and perceive the world around them. Boy I thought , what a way to crush an ego,thinking I might have done similar things like the demons walking today, I thought, could have done a much better job on 9/11 those stupid idiots left too many fuckup's and clue's behind. Anyway the Sage in the end said EVERYTHING IS PERFECT, I said perfect, does that mean I have to like it and stand back and do nothing can I at least say it's peeerrrficcct#*! He said of course and when you perceive things you have a voice don't you, yes I said you are and artist aren't you, yes I said then paint the truth and voice the truth shine a light in the darkness because you worked very hard to discover the truth and it is your nature to share love and light when you percieve the darkness so your other selves might not suffer so much under the plans of the Egotistical thoughtless homicidal maniacs.

Kalassu Swami