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Hi Don. I am captivated as ever to this wonderful on-line resource at BBS. The shows are brilliant as ever with its knowledgeable and renowned guests, who provide a valuable link to the Ascentional societal awakening process now underway. The Music is great and the 24hr. stream provides great New Age stimulus in my world continuously. I have it in recorded format playing at my workplace, in the car and at home, as I have the shows in MP3 to listen to on Portable devices. I can say with certainty that this on-line resource has provided me with essential awakening stimulus to the calling within to actual activation of my higher faculties as I am no longer concerned with the 'up and down' trivulations of this illusionary world. Levels of identity and unification with the 'bigger picture' are active at this epoch in Spirtual evolution and certainly fill my life presently as is true with many others. The Internet provides a 'gateway' of total expression and a resource to attain much Esoteric knowledge from many sources 'out there'. Your site is an excellent example as it seems to be limitless with its credible quality quests and services providing answers to the haunting questions within us all, within these end times now unfolding. We have been encultured to believe that we are material beings having a spirtual experience but are spirtual beings enduring a material experience ... Now is the time 'reclaim our power and shine !' Love You all at keep up your excellent service ..~ Steve G.