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Our false beliefs (our societal influences) often lead us to pursue dreams and visions that are not in line with our true values

Before you commit yourself to becoming involved in a demanding project or following a challenging life path . . . look deep inside yourself.  Our false beliefs (our societal influences) often lead us to pursue dreams and visions that are not in line with our true values.  Be aware that your unconscious thoughts often conflict with your worldly ambitions.  The programming of your subconscious mind usually determines the outcomes.  It will turn your strongest beliefs into the reality you experience.  Conduct an inner self-examination.  This means becoming a silent observer of what is happening inside of you.  Consider what you really want in life.  When your thoughts and emotions are in alignment with your true passion . . . you will become unstoppable!

Blessings <3

~ David Almeida

Author and Mystic