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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 18 April 2021

Become a Columnist

with the BBS Network

Are you an author, writer, journalist, blogger,

editor, reporter or columnist?

Help us educate and enlighten!

Become a columnist for the BBS Network. We are looking for creative people with intelligent information to impart.

Send us an email, or use our contact form, to let us know who you are and what you are about. It may take us a few weeks but we will definitely get back to you. Don't forget to leave us your contact information. Once approved you'll be able to log-in and write new columns. Those columns will be globally syndicated via RSS "XML" feed mechanisms to all major social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn - yours & ours - with one submit!), in the Newsroom, in the featured network columns section, on both the station one and the station two main pages, to several of our collaborators and network affiliates, and on our own home page! The coverage will be quite extraordinary, and it's all free!

In the event you are not approved as a BBS Network Columnist you can still create articles and post your writings on the network via a blog. All users of BBS Radio can have their own blog which is also globally syndicated, however the distribution is not as wide. All you need to do is sign-up as a user of and get creative. All functions and tools you'll need can be found under your User Menu.

Our humble beginnings started in 2004 with a creative blogging website entitled: Bloginservice; A blog in service to others.


By becoming a BBS Network Columnist you agree that all material you submit is authored by you and original in its nature, having never been submitted elsewhere. Once submitted through's content syndication system, you can always submit your content elsewhere. That information will become a permanent part of our ever expanding corporation.