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You have more Power than you Realize

Mark Susnow - You have more Power than you Realize
You have more Power than you Realize

All the work that he has done on himself has prepared him for this moment. He is about to enter into an empowering partnership that will only get better and better, one in which he wonât give away his power, nor will his partner, let him give it away. One in which he is the person he wants to be and is living the life he wants to live

You have more Power than you Realize

In our life coaching session yesterday, let’s just call him, Fred was ambivalent about beginning a new phase in his relationship with his partner. Fred loved his partner and believed that this relationship was right for him. They had been together for over two years. Yet Fred resisted going deeper because he had those old tapes playing in his head about his failed relationships of the past.  Not only did they not work out, but Fred felt that he would lose himself in the relationship and give away his power. I reminded Fred that he had more power than he realized. In fact we all do.

Not surprisingly, his career was on a parallel course. He had reached a plateau in his career trajectory, and what made things worse, was that he felt he could never be himself. I’m sure he’s not the only one. He had been working for a tech company for the last four years and didn’t feel appreciated; in fact he felt exploited. He had made a lot of money for the company, but wasn’t rewarded appropriately.  We discussed that perhaps it was time for him to embark upon a new path.

Fred’s challenge, like it is for so many of us, was to have the courage to ask for what he wanted both in his personal and professional lives. It was also to believe in himself.

I shared with Fred my perception of who he is today. I reminded him that he is a much different person than the one I met a few years ago. On more than a few occasions I said to him, “Fred, you have more power than you realize.” Although on a core level, I think he got it, he still had a difficult time accepting that he was a much more powerful and dynamic person than he was a few years ago.

Hearing this feedback from me helped him accept this new sense of power in his life. With almost everyone that I work with, their perception of how people perceive them is different than how people actually do perceive them. Most, if not all of us, underestimate ourselves. Very few of us are able to see our magnificence.

I suggested to Fred that he should not be surprised by his new sense of power. All the work that he has done on himself has prepared him for this moment. He is about to enter into an empowering partnership that will only get better and better, one in which he won’t give away his power, nor will his partner, let him give it away. One in which he is the person he wants to be and is living the life he wants to live.

Enjoy this great adventure, this great mystery called LIFE. There is no better time than now.

To dream -again. To dare -again.

To feel enjoyment and happiness – again,

or for the first time.

To realize – this is living —

Walk in Freedom

Mark Susnow

Mark Susnow is a life coach and strategist. He is a thought-leader who inspires others to believe in themselves. He is passionate about life being an exciting journey of discovery. A former trial attorney for 25 years and musician, he integrates what it takes to be successful in the world with the inner wisdom unfolded to him through years of yoga and meditation.

If you are curious to find out how Mark can make a difference in your life both personally and professionally, you are invited to contact him at 415.453.5016 or email him at Find out about his new book,  The Soul of Uncertainty, a Fable for our Times. 

The Soul of Uncertainty, a Fable for our Times, is available for purchase on Amazon.

“An unlikely hero meets a modern-day mystic who entices him to step into

the greater mystery of life. In reading this story you’ll feel called to do the very

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“Captivating! Let The Soul of Uncertainty be your guiding light as you travel

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JessicaL (not verified)

3 October 2019

I agree with you that we hold more power and potential than we think we have. It is an open secret that the achievements that we have made in life are way less than what we can do. I recently met a smart writer from thebest essay writers who challenged me to think of what is possible if we assume that we are limitless. This got me thinking and it relates with what you have explored. I realized that the only key to unleashing this potential is trying more and testing our limits.