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What Does Breaking Generational Curses Mean?

Talking Recovery
Families Learning to Parent Through Education

Parenthood for persons who face children who have been assaulted sexually. The controversial topics of family court, DFPS and current concerns about healthy

Show Notes:
What Does "Breaking Generational Curses Mean"?
It means learning how to parent differentyly.  It means an effectual intervenion of realizing "YOU DONT KNOW HOW".   Getting help with raising little ones.  Understanding that although you did not have the love and support you thought you needed; learning how to do it differently.  That's it.
And our publication, "Recovering From Sexual Assault By Family Members" is another simplistic thought, to describe the basis, features, and future of the whole 'healthy family' movement and how the evolution of sexualizing children is hurting thier child expereince. Let's get this straight.  "Breaking Generational Curses" has nothing to do with spritualality; in the respect of conversion, ideology of Chiristanity - although we may refer to a phrase or two or that you have done something wrong in the eyes of G-d.  It is about educationa and legislation.  Becoming educated in your state of legislation that could and will effect your parenting.
Tune in next episode.