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The Vatican's war against children and the law continues

International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State
The Vatican's war against children and the law continues

Breaking news:
The Vatican's war against children and the law continues
as Pope exonerates thousands of convicted child rapists
Abolishing the Rogue Criminal Power called the Church of Rome:
An International Legal Response from the ITCCS

Breaking news:

The Vatican's war against children and the law continues

as Pope exonerates thousands of convicted child rapists

Abolishing the Rogue Criminal Power called the Church of Rome:

An International Legal Response from the ITCCS

Rome, May 16, 2017:

In yet another stunning criminal action by the papacy, on May 13 Jorge Bergoglio (aka Pope Francis) "absolved" over two thousand priests who have raped or killed children, including a serial criminal with HIV who deliberately infected thirty young infants. Many of these priests had already been convicted and served prison time for their often-fatal assaults on children as young as two years old.

In truth, such a so-called "absolution" by a closed church review board absolves none of these priests under either civil or moral law, or under the international treaties that bind the Vatican as a so-called "nation". These priests have not been freed from the consequences of their actions and must therefore be immediately arrested and tried in civil and common law courts.

Equally serious is that the Vatican's in-house definition of child rape not as a crime but a mere "sin" that can be arbitrarily expunged constitutes a hate crime and an incitement to violence against a targeted group, namely children. When an entire group is thereby selected for special violence and stripped of normal protective standards to allow such violence against them, such an action is otherwise known as genocide.

The Church of Rome has proven itself once again to be not only a perpetrator of deliberate genocide but a public enemy by declaring its employees free to break the law and helping them do so. There is no clearer crime than such a massive subversion of justice and calculated destruction of the innocent under the direct sanction and blessing of the Pope himself. Clearly, by such acts Pope Francis is actively enforcing the standing Vatican policy of Crimen Sollicitationas, which by silencing victims and protecting child rapists is nothing less than a global criminal conspiracy.

Under the Law of Nations, Bergoglio's action personally implicates him once again in official malfeasance and makes his immediate arrest as a convicted war criminal all that more imperative. It also proves that the Vatican's war against children and child protection laws continues to pose a direct challenge to the political sovereignty of every nation on earth, and in fact nullifies the terms under which the roman catholic church can legally operate within nations.

Any church is incorporated under domestic laws of any nation where it operates, and as a corporation it not only can be insured and its officers legally safeguarded, but it can receive government benefits, tax exemptions and privileges. But that corporate status obligates it to respect the laws of its host nation by not aiding or harbouring criminals and to maintain the civil peace. And yet the Church of Rome's policies, actions and operating ethos violate and obstruct such peace and laws, and constitute a clear and present danger to all children. The Pope has once again demonstrated that fact.

Any lawfully credible government would respond to such a danger by at a minimum revoking the tax exemptions afforded to the catholic church in order to abide by international law, which prohibits citizens from funding or aiding proven transnational criminal bodies like the Vatican. In reality, every major government on earth is financially and politically tied to Rome and is actively colluding with its crimes. That fact has been proven time and again. It therefore falls upon We the People to enforce the law under a sovereign common law jurisdiction and its courts.

It was such a common law court that brought judgement and verdict against the Vatican and its accomplices in February 2013 and then deposed Pope Benedict, a Jesuit leader and three other Cardinals. The same court legally nullified the authority of the Vatican in April 2014 and authorized the arrest of its officers. The power and need to do so has again been demonstrated this past week by Jorge Bergoglio's criminal actions.

We therefore call upon all people to take these steps:

  1. Circulate our lists of names of all guilty catholic priests and their accomplices, and educate your neighbours and contacts about the truth.

  2. Protest outside and inside your local catholic church and distribute and enforce the Papal Nullification Order and Arrest Warrant (attached) that prohibits anyone from aiding or funding the roman catholic church.

  3. Join or assist our local Direct Action Units in detaining, trying and banishing known or suspected child abusers in catholic churches or your communities. Contact to volunteer.

  4. Demand that your government cancel the charitable tax exempt status of the roman catholic church in your country and expel the Vatican's Papal Nuncio as the agent of a criminal foreign power.

Tune in this Sunday May 21 (and every Sunday) for more updates and reports from the ITCCS central office, at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern, 11 pm GMT on Radio Free Kanata, .

Issued by the ITCCS Central Office, Brussels

16 May, 2017