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An Update and Personal Request from Kevin Annett

Reverend Kevin Annett
An Update and Personal Request from Kevin Annett

An Update and Personal Request from Kevin Annett

December 5, 2020
Hi everyone. Over the next few months I will be on an intensive organizing and speaking tour across Kanata, to prepare for our historic first Constitutional Convention of the Republic of Kanata from April 15-18, 2021.
During this period, I hope to meet many of you and assist you in your campaigns and the work of your Republic Cells and Assemblies. Part of this work will include establishing a national office for our movement and setting up training programs for our local Conveners and Sheriffs. (Be sure to contact me if you want to schedule such events in your community.)
Naturally, all of this takes money. I devote every waking hour to our movement and, being under a permanent blacklisting, I require all of you to keep me going financially. It's also our national policy to have my travel costs funded by local Republic and Common Law Assembly groups.
My travel expenses alone from now to April will total at least $5000. Please contribute what you can to this amount. It will make the difference. Simply send an "E" transfer to our national treasurer Ciaran Buchanan at . 
As always, I will show my thanks to all of you by what I do. We will stand or fall together.
With appreciation and trusting in our common cause,
Kevin Annett
National Co-Convener of the Republic
messages: 236-887-3320