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Ten Questions to the Government of Canada and the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada

International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State - ITCCS
Ten Questions to the Government of Canada and the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada

Ten Questions to the Government of Canada and the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada
Issued by the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State - North American Field Office
September 29, 2017

Ten Questions to the Government of Canada and the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada

Issued by the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State - North American Field Office

September 29, 2017 , , 

1. By what process was the monthly death quota for Indian residential schools established?

2. By what process was the burial of dead children from these schools decided, conducted and concealed?

3. What agency had ultimate responsibility for the burial or disposal of these dead children? What records did these agencies keep and  where are these records?

4. What agency authorized and performed the destruction of Indian residential school and Indian hospital records and the disinterring of the remains of residential school children?

5. What foreign and domestic agencies were responsible for the experimentation and disposal of children at Indian hospitals across Canada? What was the relationship between Project Paperclip personnel and these hospitals?

6. How many former SS and Nazi scientists and medical personnel were employed at Indian hospitals and residential schools across Canada, and during what period? What agency was responsible for their oversight and authorization? Where are the records of these experiments?

7. What black operations have been launched against Indian residential school survivors and their advocates, during what period and by what agencies?

8. What was the secret, undisclosed protocol governing the actions of the government and church-established "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" into residential schools?

9. Describe the history and operation of the secret, so-called Financial Concordat Agreement between the Canadian government and the Vatican.

10. Describe the Jurisdictional and Legal Immunity Protocol governing the presence of European Royal Family members and top Vatican and Church of England officials while they were present at Indian residential schools and hospitals.