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Sovereign Canadians take a Pledge of Resistance to American Annexation

Sovereign Canadians take a Pledge of Resistance to American Annexation

Sovereign Canadians take a Pledge of Resistance to American Annexation:

A Global Declaration by the Citizens of the Republic of Kanata on its 10th Anniversary

January 15, 2025

In violation of International Law, the convicted felon and kingly pretender named Donald Trump has declared his intention to unilaterally “annex” Canada as part of his maniacal attempt to launch a new American Imperium.

As free, self-governing people who have declared our independence from the British Crown and its illegitimate, puppet Canadian government, we citizens of the Republic of Kanata recognize no foreign authority and will not allow any incursion or takeover by America.

Therefore, as the sovereign people of the territory of the former ‘Dominion of Canada’, and in alliance with the nine traditional indigenous nations that are federated with our Republic, we citizens of Kanata hereby pledge ourselves to take any action necessary to resist American conquest and defend our independence, liberty, and national sovereignty.

Accordingly, in the event of any incursion, invasion, or annexation by the United States, we vow to launch ongoing work stoppages, transportation disruptions, civil disobedience, trade and tourism sabotage, economic and diplomatic sanctions, and direct confrontations to stop America’s takeover.

We shall undertake this active resistance under the authority of our Republic, its Constitution, and its lawful Legislative Assemblies and Courts, with the support of our Republican Militias and the Warrior Societies of the nine traditional indigenous nations that are federated with our Republic.

We call upon the American people to aid us in this resistance by stopping the criminal Donald Trump from unleashing war and destruction between our people.

We take this pledge according to our democratic mandate from the majority of people in Canada, who favor Republican governance and independence from the ‘Crown’.  

We do so in accordance with our Citizens’ Oath of Allegiance to serve and defend our Republic to the last: not for personal gain or glory, but for freedom, for that alone, which no honest man or woman surrenders except by death.

 This Declaration is issued by the delegates to the Republic National Council on the tenth anniversary of the Proclamation of the Republic of Kanata.

It is made with the endorsement of elders of the Squamish, Chilcotin, Cree, Blackfoot, Ojibwe, Metis, Mohawk, Iroquois, and Mi’kmaq indigenous nations, in accordance with the Two Row Wampum Great Law of Peace that binds all the people of this continent.

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