Ripping off children's ears for the greater glory of Canada
by Kevin Annett
For years I lived just down the road from where it happened.
The native children were brought into the Nanaimo Indian Hospital by RCMP officers, usually at night. They were locked in padded cells to await assessment. The children whom the doctors figured could endure the experiments were segregated by sex and sent off to the basement laboratories. The others were either trafficked or killed.
The official experiments were conducted by doctors of the Defense Research Board and the United Church of Canada. They involved strapping down children on gurneys in pitch-black cells for months to study the effect of such sensory and motor deprivation: a service performed for the NASA space program.
They also tested a gamut of experimental drugs on the children, including sterilizing agents, on behalf of pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer, Bayer, Eli Lilly, and Glaxo that financially subsidized the Nanaimo Indian Hospital and the United Church.
The unofficial tests were performed by expatriate Nazi scientists operating under Royal Canadian Air Force cover identities, like “Major Bob Armstrong”, a former Waffen SS Colonel named Heinz Lehmann (SS Tattoo Number 9370115) who was a protégé of Dr. Josef Mengele. “Armstrong” had pioneered pain threshold and mind control experiments for the US military at the Lincoln Park Airforce Base outside Calgary during the mid-1950’s.
These latter, military-funded tests involved slowly torturing children to death with scalpels, blowtorches, chemicals, and radiation and recording the effect on their mental abilities.
Very few of the children survived any of these monstrous tortures. Being indigenous, they could disappear without a trace of public concern or legal consequence.
Joan Morris, Esther Morris, and Kenny Quatell were three of those who survived. I spoke with them during 2005 and 2006.
“I couldn’t have any babies after they tied my tubes,” Esther said during our interview. “They did that to all the girls in our group. They had me strapped into a crouching position for weeks at a time. I lost the use of my muscles. It was Doctor Weinrib who did it to me, he was a local Nanaimo doctor. He told me I was performing a patriotic service, that it would help put men on the moon.”
Esther’s cousin Joan was held in the Nanaimo Indian Hospital for nine years after she was kidnapped from her home on the Songhees native reserve when she was six years old.
“They made me and my sister Nancy drink this horrible tasting stuff that made us throw up,” Joan remembered. “It was radioactive, I heard from one of the nurses. Nancy died of cancer when she got out of there. I’ve been sick my whole life from it, and from all the shit they kept shooting into me. Every week they tried out some new drugs on me. That Doctor Schmidt who ran everything, he could barely speak English. He used to boast about how much he was getting paid to kill Indians and blacks and Jews.”
Kenny Quatell, a Kwakuitl native from Campbell River, was sterilized at the hospital along with all five of his brothers from Albert Bay, B.C.
“We all went under the X-Ray machine. I got burned all over from it and my balls shrunk to nothing. Then they had me in the dark room for so long I can’t remember. They’d take me out every so often and give me shocks to my head. But my brothers got it worse. They all got sent downstairs. I could hear them screaming and crying for help. I had to bury them later. I saw what they did to them. They ripped them apart. They were missing their noses and ears and eyes.”
The abandoned wooden huts of the Nanaimo Indian Hospital were still standing in the fall of 2004, when my first article on its murderous experiments appeared in The Nav student newspaper at the neighbouring Malaspina College (now Vancouver Island University). But the week my article was printed, bulldozers destroyed all the hospital buildings and the site was padlocked shut. That same day, The Nav was pressured to retract my article and all the copies of that issue were seized by campus security.
During the same time, all the records of the Nanaimo Indian Hospital and similar facilities held in the National Archives in Ottawa were officially sealed, closing them to public scrutiny.
Fortunately, copies of their files had been obtained earlier by the sole survivor of the Lincoln Park experiments, Gail Barclay. Gail identified to me the Nazi experimenter “Bob Armstrong” and his pain threshold tortures. She also received confirmation from Canadian military intelligence officers that “Armstrong” and other Nazi doctors had conducted their experiments on children in B.C., Alberta, and three other military hospital facilities across Canada. (See (2370) Canada's Experimental Torture Killing of Children - YouTube)
Early in 2020, as part of the Church-State coverup of medical genocide among Indian children, a ‘class action lawsuit’ was launched for Nanaimo Indian Hospital survivors by a shadowy law firm in Calgary called the Masuch Group. The only charges made against the government by these lawyers involved “negligence” and “failure of duty of care”. No mention was made of torture, medical genocide, Nazi doctors, or murder.
The Night and Fog continues.
See this and more recent evidence of the coverup of genocide in Canada in my latest book:
The Criminal Conspiracy to Silence Genocide Truthers in Canada: A Summary of the Case and Verdict of the West Coast Common Law Court that tried and convicted top Church-State officials: Court of Justice, International Common Law, Annett, Kevin: 9798304354356: Books
Joan Morris, sterilized and experimented on at the Nanaimo Indian Hospital by Doctors Weinrib and Schmidt
Sarah Modeste, sterilized by Nanaimo Indian Hospital Dr. James Goodbrand
for marrying a traditional Cowichan native elder