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Public Summons and Indictment issued against Phil Spencer, minister of the United Church of Canada

Public Summons and Indictment issued against Phil Spencer, minister of the United Church of Canada
Public Summons and Indictment issued against Phil Spencer, minister of the United Church of Canada




Phil Spencer 

of St. Stephen’s United Church 

150 Village Way 

Qualicum Beach, British Columbia (250-752-9831) 


This man is a convicted felon and a danger to children.  

If you know his whereabouts contact the Court immediately at .   



The West Coast Common Law Court of Justice

Established under International and Indigenous Law on May 1, 2023 

In the Matter of Kevin Annett v. Jean Chretien, Jorge Bergoglio, et al 

Case Docket No. WCCLCJ-09252023-02-B

A Public Summons and Indictment issued by the Chief Prosecutor of the Court against Defendant Phil Spencer 

Thursday, October 12, 2023 

Failure to respond to this Public Summons or to appear in Court may result in punitive action being taken against Mr. Spencer. 

This Summons and Indictment are on the public record.  

They may be quoted, reproduced, and disseminated by the media and others.  



Phil Spencer is required by law to appear before the Court or its representatives at a date and place to be designated during its official proceedings that will commence on Monday, October 16, 2023, in the City of Vancouver. 

Spencer has been named by the Court as a primary defendant in the matter before it, namely, Case Docket WCCLCJ-09252023-02-B. The case involves an ongoing criminal conspiracy and assault against Kevin Annett to conceal and facilitate Crimes against Humanity in Canada. That conspiracy and assault is being committed by fiduciary officers and agents of the Crown of England, the Vatican, the government of Canada and the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada.

The Court seeks to establish the facts concerning this conspiracy and assault in order to determine the wider issue of why genocide in Canada and the murder of “Indian residential school” children has been effectively censored, misrepresented, concealed, and decriminalized by Church and State since the first exposure of these crimes by Kevin Annett in October 1994. The systematic denigration, blacklisting, and criminal assaults waged against Annett, who has spearheaded the campaign to confront and prosecute genocide in Canada, is of clear relevance to this matter. 

Accordingly, Phil Spencer is hereby recognized and named by the Court as a primary defendant in this case because of his central role and active participation in the ongoing criminal conspiracy by Canadian Church and State to assault and destroy the life and work of Kevin Annett that began during the first year of his ministry in Port Alberni in the summer of 1992. 

Background, Uncontested Facts, and Basis of Cause  

Phil Spencer is a convicted felon who was found guilty of complicity in genocide by the International Common Law Court of Justice on February 25, 2013. (1)  

Spencer is an ordained minister in the United Church of Canada. During the period of Kevin Annett’s firing without cause and expulsion without due process from United Church ministry (1994-1997), Spencer served on the executive of that church’s Comox-Nanaimo Presbytery that instigated Annett’s secret and illegal firing. In that position, Spencer oversaw the unauthorized monitoring, harassment, and removal of Annett as minister of St. Andrew’s United Church in Port Alberni, B.C.  

Spencer signed the letter that removed Annett from that position without cause, notice, or review, on January 23, 1995. Spencer also led the defamation campaign against Annett among United Church members and blocked his attempts to seek employment elsewhere in the United Church. In league with United Church lawyer Jon Jessiman, Spencer approached Annett’s wife Anne McNamee soon after his firing and paid her to divorce Annett and rob him of his two children.  

It is noted by the Court that Phil Spencer exhibited an extreme, inexplicable personal vindictiveness against Kevin Annett in the course of these attacks. The night after Annett was fired, Spencer phoned him at his Port Alberni home in an apparently drunken state. After screaming expletives at him, Spencer exclaimed,  

“Go ahead and try to sue us, you piece of shit! Lots of ministers have tried suing the church and they’ve never won!” (2) 

Spencer continued to lead this kind of unwarranted personal assault against Annett by harassing anyone who showed him any support or attention, including journalists, academics, fellow clergy, and native people. (3)  

According to the written affidavit of journalist Clodagh O’Connell, who authored the first article to report Annett’s firing without cause in the Vancouver Courier newspaper issue of September 21, 1997, Spencer phoned O’Connell at her home after her article appeared and angrily demanded that she retract it, threatening her if she didn’t. When she refused, Spencer contacted the Courier publisher and tried to have O’Connell fired. Spencer similarly attacked other journalists who reported Annett’s case, including writers for New Internationalist and Canadian Dimension.  

Spencer’s personal vendetta against Kevin Annett grew with what it fed on over subsequent years and assumed even darker aspects. In a separate case before the Court, Phil Spencer is named as a co-conspirator in the death of Annett’s key indigenous allies Harriett Nahanee, William Combes, and Johnny ‘Bingo’ Dawson, in league with RCMP Inspector Peter Montague and former United Church moderator Gary Paterson. (See Case Docket No. WCCLCJ-09252023-01-A)

Spencer is also a suspect in the death of three Port Alberni residents who were associated with Kevin Annett’s congregation of St. Andrew’s United Church: Mark Angus, Krista Lynn, and John Sargent, who spoke about the murder and trafficking of local indigenous children from Annett’s pulpit. All of them were identified to the local RCMP by Spencer and shortly before their deaths were subjected to the same harassment and attacks suffered by Kevin Annett. (4) 

Similarly, evidence obtained by the Court indicates that Phil Spencer is associated with a network of west coast United Church clergymen and officials who for decades have operated a child trafficking network in coastal indigenous villages. (5) Several of these individuals, including Oliver Howard, Bill Howie, Gary Paterson, Jon Jessiman, Foster Freed, Art Anderson, and Cameron Reid, worked closely with Spencer in removing Annett from his pulpit and defrocking and blacklisting him after he discovered the existence of their child trafficking group. Jessiman and Howie coordinated Annett’s firing and defrocking, while Anderson and Reid handed Kevin Annett the letter that fired him that was signed by Phil Spencer.


The Court Prosecutor formally charges Phil Spencer with direct and personal involvement in an ongoing criminal conspiracy and assault against Kevin Annett, his family, and his associates; with the targeting and murder of Harriett Nahanee, William Combes, Johnny ‘Bingo’ Dawson, Mark Angus, Krista Lynn, and John Sargent; with participation in the trafficking and death of indigenous children; and with obstructing justice to conceal and facilitate these and other crimes in Canada. 

Defendant Phil Spencer is required by law to appear before the Court in accordance with this Indictment and Public Summons, at a date and location to be stipulated. The Court will interpret any refusal or avoidance by Phil Spencer to respond to this Summons as a pro confesso uncontested admission of guilt by him to the charges made against him. In that event, a common law arrest warrant will be issued against him along with a probable guilty verdict. 

This Summons and Indictment have the full force and effect of the law

They are on the public record and are issued in conjunction with other Summonses to defendants and witnesses called into Court. 


In the Matter of Kevin Annett v. Jean Chretien, Jorge Bergoglio, et al 

Case Docket No. WCCLCJ-09252023-02-B 

Registered in the Docket of the Court by J. Dufort, LL.B. (attn: 


The West Coast Common Law Court of Justice is a registered affiliate of the International Common Law Court of Justice, 

established in Brussels on June 15, 2010, under the Law of Nations. 


1. Spencer was one of thirty convicted defendants who were found guilty by the ICLCJ of committing and concealing crimes of genocide in the so-called ‘Indian Residential Schools’ of Canada. Their trial occurred in Brussels between July 12, 2012 and February 25, 2013, after which the defendants were found guilty and sentenced in absentia to twenty-five years in prison without parole. Universal arrest warrants were issued against all the defendants. Four of them, including Joseph Ratzinger (aka ‘Pope Benedict’) resigned from their offices and retired into hiding. For documentation, see under ‘ITCCS Archives’.

2. From an affidavit of Kevin Annett and the recorded telephone conversation between Phil Spencer and Kevin Annett of January 24, 1995, held as evidence. 

3. See the affidavits of witnesses Dr. Jennifer Wade, Rev. Bruce Gunn, Prof. Don Wilson (University of B.C.), Carol Wilson (Nishga nation), and Clodagh O’Connell. 

4. From the closed testimony of RCMP officers and the affidavits of Kevin Annett and Jack McDonald, Metis nation. 

5. This child trafficking network began in the 1950’s and operated through the United Church mission boat, the Thomas Crosby. It targets native villages from the Sooke area of Vancouver Island to Port Hardy and is part of a larger network known as “The Twelve Mile Club”. The latter has been named by the ICLCJ and native people as a trafficker and killer of children along the west coast. It involves senior Chinese and Canadian businessmen, politicians, judges and military leaders and is based in part out of the Vancouver Club at 915 West Hastings Street in Vancouver. 

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