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A Proclamation from the Elders

Clan Mother Katie Stoqua of the Huron Nation
A Proclamation from the Elders

A Proclamation from the Elders:

The Killers of our children are not welcome here!

The Catholic, Anglican, and United churches are banished from our lands!

Read by Clan Mother Katie Stoqua of the Huron Nation

We are traditional elders of the Ahousaht, Nuu-Chah-Nulth, Cowichan, Squamish, Sto:lo, Tsilhqotin, Cree, Metis, Anishinaabe-Ojibwe, Haudenosaunee, Mohawk, Huron, Miqmaq, Dene, and Inuit Nations. We speak by the authority of the Great Law. 

All of us are survivors of a war of extermination waged against us by the Catholic, Anglican, and United churches of Canada. These churches ran the genocidal ‘Indian residential schools’ that killed over 60,000 of our children. They got away with their crime by a few words of “apology”. And today they are still trafficking and murdering our women and children along with the government and China. 

Therefore, according to the Great Law, we Elders assembled at Council Fire proclaim that these churches, their priests, and their officials are now and forever banished from our nations across Canada. They must immediately depart or face arrest by our Peacekeepers. 

We also reclaim their lands, their church buildings, and the wealth they stole from us as reparations for their slaughter of our people. We will be enforcing this Proclamation in reclamation ceremonies at these churches. 

We authorize all our people and their allies to assist us in evicting these churches from our nations and seizing and occupying their buildings for the welfare of all our people

We make this action in league with our white brother Eagle Strong Voice, the legal agent of traditional Squamish chief Kiapilano, who evicted these churches from Vancouver on March 4, 2008. We name Eagle Strong Voice as a Peacekeeper and liaison to our nations. 

Stand by for more announcements of our reclamation actions against these criminal churches that are illegally 

 trespassing on our lands!

Issued by us at Council Fire on Monday, June 26, 2023 under the Great Law. ,

Note: Copies of this Proclamation and a No Trespassing Poster are attached. Please share them widely.

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