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An Open Letter to the Media On Welcoming Nazis and other Canadian Pastimes

An Open Letter to the Media On Welcoming Nazis and other Canadian Pastimes
An Open Letter to the Media On Welcoming Nazis and other Canadian Pastimes
September 28, 2023
An Open Letter to the Editors,
Justin Trudeau exhibited a rare moment of honesty when he publicly honored the Ukrainian SS Division that Canada welcomed with open arms after World War Two. He was just doing what comes naturally to Canadian politicians. 
More Nazis came to Canada after the war than to any nation on earth. A bunch of them were SS death camp doctors who continued to practice their murderous "research" on generations of native children in Indian Hospitals across Canada. (
I guess the Hitlerites felt at home in a land like ours where Church and State are such experts at applying their own Final Solution to brown skinned people - and then masterfully concealing it behind a rhetoric of "reconciliation".
As for anyone who is tempted to view Justin's subsequent "apology" for his pro-Nazi remarks as gross hypocrisy, don't forget that to apologize doesn't mean to be sorry or regretful, but rather to defend or justify something. 
The PM's apologetic confirms once again that Genocide is as Canadian as maple syrup. Just ask any indigenous person.
Kevin Annett
Nanaimo, British Columbia
'Reconcile' this? Murdered children at Catholic Lejac 'Indian residential school', 1937