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New Covenant calls Christians out from fallen churches, proclaims “spiritual and political separation” from global corporatocracy

New Covenant calls Christians out from fallen churches, proclaims “spiritual and political separation” from global corporatocracy
New Covenant calls Christians out from fallen churches, proclaims “spiritual and political separation” from global corporatocracy

Sunday August 6, 2017
New Covenant calls Christians out from fallen churches, proclaims âspiritual and political separationâ from global corporatocracy
âHere We Standâ revives the spirit and aims of the Radical Reformation


Sunday August 6, 2017

New Covenant calls Christians out from fallen churches, proclaims “spiritual and political separation” from global corporatocracy

“Here We Stand” revives the spirit and aims of the Radical Reformation

Boston, Edinburgh – (Common Law News Service, 6/8/2017)

At special ceremonies today in Scotland and America, a new movement known as The Covenanters released a “spiritual battle cry” that summons all people to leave the Church of Rome and other “fallen churches”, and gather in separate spiritual and civil communities.

Entitled Here We Stand – Summoning God’s People in a Time of Judgementthe founding declaration of the Covenanters was issued on the eve of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation’s birth “to halt the spiritual absorption of free Christians into the demonic church of Rome”. 

Here We Stand was read aloud at the historic sites where Scottish Covenanters and American Puritans declared a similar independence from Rome and the world during the 17th century.

According to Covenanter convener John Burke, who read the declaration outside the Greyfriars Kirk in Edinburgh where the 1638 Covenant was signed,

“We are the spiritual and lineal descendants of the Puritans who forged the American Republic and the Scottish Covenanters who broke free from papal and episcopal tyranny. We recognize that today, not only our faith but the survival and freedom of all people face extinction at the hands of a global, anti-Christ corporate culture spawned from Rome. We reject the genocidal one worldism of that culture. We will obey God rather than the murderous laws of such man made tyranny, by establishing our own Covenant and society of free born men and women under God’s own common law.”

Similar ceremonies were held by other groups of Covenanters in Boston and at sites in Ireland, Canada and England. The Covenanters will be launching public actions, reclamations and witnesses commencing in September.

A copy of Here We Stand is attached. It will be issued in hard copy versions this coming week through amazon

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