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Murdered Eyewitness to Queen Elizabeth’s theft of children is honored at Vancouver protest and march

Kevin Annett (left) and other Republic of Kanata citizens gather in Vancouver  to remember William Combes, murdered eyewitness to crimes by Queen Elizabeth
Murdered Eyewitness to Queen Elizabeth’s theft of children is honored at Vancouver protest and march

Breaking News, February 27, 2021: Murdered Eyewitness to Queen Elizabethâs theft of children is honored at Vancouver protest and march â Republic of Kanata citizens reclaim church land and rename it the âWilliam Combes Memorial Parkâ

Murdered eyewitness to Queen Elizabeth’s theft of children is honored at Vancouver protest and march – Republic of Kanata citizens reclaim church land and rename it the “William Combes Memorial Park”

Vancouver, February 27, 2021

Yesterday, on the 10th anniversary of the medical murder of William Combes - an eyewitness to crimes by Queen Elizabeth - his friends and citizens of the Republic of Kanata took to the streets of downtown Vancouver to honor his sacrifice and reclaim a park in his name.

The group carried a coffin to the site of William’s killing, St. Paul’s Catholic Hospital, and held a brief rally outside. Speaker Kevin Annett told the crowd that according to William’s nurse Chloe Kirker, he died from arsenic poisoning, not tubercular meningitis, as the death certificate claims. William was scheduled to speak at a human rights Tribunal about his witnessing of the kidnapping of ten aboriginal children by Queen Elizabeth from the Kamloops Catholic Indian residential school. But before he could speak, he was forcibly detained at St. Paul’s by RCMP officers and died soon after.

Today’s protesters also occupied and reclaimed a park near Holy Rosary Catholic church – which William and other residential school survivors occupied in 2008 - and renamed it the William Combes Memorial Park. A memorial plaque was erected to William that reads: “Murdered by the Crown: William Combes, 1953-2011”.

Kevin Annett, a Convener with the Republic of Kanata, gave the eulogy for William. (See attached pdf text). Kevin concluded,

What is the torch that William Combes has passed on to each one of us and that we must uphold with the same last full measure of devotion? It is nothing less than the ending of the tyranny that has murdered 50,000 children and their indigenous nations and that continues to assault our children, our lives, and our liberties: a tyranny that is the genocidal and criminal state called Canada and its sponsors, the British Crown, and the Vatican!

We must not let that torch fall, for if we do, we trample on the memory of William and the sacrifice made by him and those of us who have given everything for the truth and for the least of our people. If a homeless and persecuted man like William can have risked everything and achieved so much, why cannot the rest of us do the same and even more? We must not fail William. We must not fail ourselves.

Further reclamation actions are being planned by the Republic and survivors of the ongoing Canadian genocide. For information see and , and write to .

Issued February 27, 2021 by the National Council of the Republic of Kanata

The William Combes Memorial Park: Reclaimed Land in the Republic of Kanata
The William Combes Memorial Park: Reclaimed Land in the Republic of Kanata