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A Message to all Freedom Loving People from The Covenanters - a new blog radio program

A Message to all Freedom Loving People from The Covenanters - a new blog radio program
A Message to all Freedom Loving People from The Covenanters - a new blog radio program

A Message to all Freedom Loving People
from The Covenanters

A Message to all Freedom Loving People

from The Covenanters

Five centuries ago on October 31, Martin Luther launched the Protestant Revolution against Roman tyranny: a revolt that led to the establishment of Freedom of Conscience and political and spiritual liberty across the world. When ordered to renounce his views, Luther hurled back at his papal enemies, "Here I stand: I can do no other".

Today, as people everywhere battle against a global corporate tyranny spawned from the same Roman institution, free men and women are launching their own revolt with the same defiant spirit of Here We StandWe the People we can do nothing other than reclaim our minds, our lives and our world as sovereign communities under the universal Common Law.

A new movement known as the Covenanters has emerged today in five countries that embodies this reclamation: a political and spiritual campaign to undo corporate tyranny and the genocidal institutions that are enslaving humanity and destroying our world. On October 1, the Covenanters will inaugurate their new blog talk radio program called Here We Stand: a platform to unite, inspire and mobilize the sacred remnant that will lead our people out of their chains into a new society standing under God's Law.

Commencing October 1, 2017, Here We Stand will broadcast every Sunday at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern at . It will continue and build upon the work of Radio Free Kanata, which broadcast on the BBS network from March 2015 to September 24, 2017. (RFK's archived programs are still available at the site: .


Join us every Sunday on this new program to carry our thoughts and actions to a new level of empowerment and freedom!


For more information write to or write to the regular host of Here We Stand, Rev. Kevin Annett, at .

Issued by the Covenanters

22 September, 2017

See also our affiliated websites .