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Letters on Life - Do We Really Create Our Own Reality?

Do We Really Create Our Own Reality? by Mark Susanow
Do We Really Create Our Own Reality?

Do We Really Create Our Own Reality? If you are reading along with me, you probably have heard or read many times that your thoughts create your reality. The bigger question, which I have wondered about at times,

Do We Really Create Our Own Reality?
If you are reading along with me, you probably have heard or read many times that your thoughts create your reality. The bigger question, which I have wondered about at times, is whether this is true. All we know for sure is that at times it has been true, and at other times, it hasn't.
When you think back, today has been sculpted by the thoughts and decisions we have made in the past. Those decisions were influenced by our goals and desires and our beliefs as to what we thought was possible.
For example, if you want to become a lawyer, which I did way back then, you have to think about going to law school and taking the courses that will get you in.
If you want to become a professional athlete, structuring your life so that you consistently optimize your skill level and level of conditioning, gives you the best chance of succeeding. But as we know there are no guarantees in life; we all have had our share of disappointment.   
More significantly, our dreams, our goals and our desires create our experience of reality. They give us direction, give us purpose, and give us a reason for living, even if they don't become actualized. We feel an aliveness that we haven't felt in some time.
Even so, we find reasons not to take action, to put what really matters to us, on the back burner. Our resistance has won the day.
Yes, at times, the challenges are great and seem daunting, but so are the possibilities.
It comes down to what we focus on-the challenges and difficulties or the possibilities and opportunities.
Just for today, focus on how amazing life can be, even with the uncertainty all around you.
Just for today, embrace this great mystery, this great adventure called LIFE.
There is no better time than NOW!  
Thank you for being part of the Inspire Possibility Community during these past years, and I hope you will encourage those in your circle to also become part of the Community. If you haven't done so already, become a fan of Inspire Possibility on Facebook.
For those of you who live in the SF Bay Area, there will be an opportunity for us to meet in person.
I'm excited. The long awaited book signing for The Soul of Uncertainty is Sunday, May 21st, at 4PM. It will be at Book Passage in Corte Madera. Hope some of you can join us.
Until then,
Enjoy the Journey
If you are curious to find out how Mark can make a difference in your life both personally and professionally, you are invited to contact him.
You can order your copy of Mark's new book, The Soul of Uncertainty, a Fable for our Times, by purchasing it through Amazon. The initial feedback has been tremendous.  

"An unlikely hero meets a modern-day mystic who entices him to step into the greater mystery of life. In reading this story you'll feel called to do the very same thing."
-JOHN GRAY, New York Times Best-selling Author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus 

Captivating! Let The Soul of Uncertainty be your guiding light as you travel through a world of wonder and mystery.

-MARCI SHIMOFF, #1 New York Times Bestselling Author, Happy for No Reason; Love for No Reason; Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul."

If spiritual intelligence appeared to you in human form, would you listen? The Soul of Uncertainty lets you peek into that possibility to illuminate your own soul's journey.
-RAZ INGRASCI, Chairman, Hoffman Institute Intl.
Mark Susnow, knows change. At the turn of the new millennium, he transitioned from a successful career as a trial attorney to what he does now as a life coach and strategist and thought-leader inspiring others to believe in themselves.
He is passionate about life being an exciting journey of discovery. He integrates what it takes to be successful in the world with the inner wisdom unfolded to him through years of yoga and meditation and playing music.

© Copyright 2005 Mark Susnow. All Rights Reserved.