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Letters on Life - Dear Uncertainty

Mark Susnow
Letters on Life - Dear Uncertainty

In the process of creating THE SOUL OF UNCERTAINTY what has emerged is a new paradigm to live by. Some of the following, excerpted from this new work, explores the loose ends and uncertainty of life's unfolding adventure.

Dear Uncertainty,
Thanks for also essentially being possibility. I'm a lot more into you when I think of you in that way.
All the best, Leah
I have to admit that I don't know Leah. Just last week in the preparation phase of a presentation on Uncertainty, I discovered her handwritten note on the internet.
In the process of creating THE SOUL OF UNCERTAINTY what has emerged is a new paradigm to live by. Some of the following, excerpted from this new work, explores the loose ends and uncertainty of life's unfolding adventure.
"In this paradigm, waking up each day, excited, with a smile on our face-even with all of the loose ends and uncertainty, is what real success is. The breakthrough then becomes the shift from the physical world of accomplishment and achievement, to an inner world of being and wonder.
While most of us would like to become more successful in the world, that by itself, won't fulfill us.  Lightening up and enjoying each day to its fullest, including the ups and downs, the twists and turns, and ebb and flow of life's unfolding mystery, is what brings us alive. And isn't that what enlightenment is about - lightening up.
The paradox is that when we stop resisting the flow of life's evolutionary process, not only do we experience the same or greater levels of material success, we enjoy ourselves in the process of creation. We also discover possibilities we never knew existed. We don't fear or obsess about the inevitable "loose ends" because we know we have what it takes to handle and thrive in these new challenges and opportunities.
 Once we emerge into the new paradigm, the not knowing what's next, can become an exciting process of discovery. With a sense of being and wonder emerging into its full glory, a glory beyond anything you've yet experienced, you notice as you look more deeply and reflect upon your life, that events which at one time seemed random, are all interconnected preparing you for this moment.
Yet there's still a great deal you can't explain, and the curiosity to explore and explain it, excites you, propels you.  In the process, you keep expanding that edge - at one time a barrier to seeing what's beyond that ridge or beneath the surface of the deep mysterious ocean - to discover that this unknown territory is full of amazing possibilities of your living a life full of joy and wonder.
Your enjoyment and appreciation of life is not dependent on what might happen in the future, but rather on the choice you make over and over again to be happy in this moment, the one that is all there is.  When things don't work out the way you had hoped or your expectations weren't meant, rather than judging what happened and its significance in the big picture, you say to yourself, 'THAT'S INTERESTING.'  
These powerful words reinforce that you are the creator, the architect of the life you want to live and the person you want to become. What emerges in this evolutionary process is a new "you" who knows that now is the time to soar beyond your self imposed glass ceiling."
You know that if you keep your eyes open and stay curious, there is a magical world full of possibilities waiting for you to enter. 
There is no better time than now to enjoy this great adventure, this great mystery called LIFE. 


Thank you for being part of the Inspire Possibility Community during these past years, and I hope you will encourage those in your circle to also become part of the Community. 


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You know I love to hear from you. Let me know what is emerging. Feel free to share Letters on Life with those in your circle. 


Until then,


Enjoy the Journey


If you are curious to find out how Mark can make a difference in your life both personally and professionally, you are invited to contact him.


You can order your copy of Mark's new book, The Soul of Uncertainty, a Fable for our Times, by purchasing it through Amazon. The initial feedback has been tremendous.  

Captivating! Let The Soul of Uncertainty be your guiding light as you travel through a world of wonder and mystery.

-MARCI SHIMOFF, #1 New York Times Bestselling Author, Happy for No Reason; Love for No Reason; Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul."


 If spiritual intelligence appeared to you in human form, would you listen? The Soul of Uncertainty lets you peek into that possibility to illuminate your own soul's journey.
-RAZ INGRASCI, Chairman, Hoffman Institute Intl.


Mark Susnow, knows change. At the turn of the new millennium, he transitioned from a successful career as a trial attorney to what he does now as a life coach and strategist 
and thought-leader inspiring others to believe in themselves.
He is passionate about life being an exciting journey of discovery. He integrates what it takes to be successful in the world with the inner wisdom unfolded to him through years of yoga and meditation and playing music.

© Copyright 2005 Mark Susnow. All Rights Reserved.