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Kanata Rising. A new TV program by the Republic of Kanata

Kanata Rising
Kanata Rising. A new TV program by the Republic of Kanata

Kanata Rising: A new TV program by the Republic of Kanata, starting this Friday July 1 - learn more tomorrow on Here We Stand, June 26, 6 pm eastern at


Kanata Rising

News and Education from the frontlines of an emerging Nation


   Premier show: Friday, July 1, 2022, on Kanata Day!    


At 5 pm pacific, 8 pm eastern on  and every subsequent Wednesday and Friday at that time


How do we overcome the present tyranny and create a land of liberty for all? Learn the lessons of our hidden history and our struggling present from people who are creating a future of freedom on the ground!


Kanata Rising is the voice of the sovereign Republic of Kanata: our answer to oppression and genocide. Through our half hour of news, analysis, and practical teaching and training, we inspire and equip people to reclaim our nation and reconstruct it on a new foundation of equality and mutual aid.


With your host Kevin Annett - Eagle Strong Voice


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Kanata Rising will also be posted at 


See and ; and write to




Kanata Rising

News and Education from the frontlines of a New Nation


Kanata: a word from the Haudenosaunee people, meaning “Where the people gather as one around the council fire.”


The Republic of Kanata is a sovereign federation of free, self-governing people based on the original Two Row Wampum Treaty between indigenous and settler nations that vowed to share the land and its wealth equally.


Called out from a global tyranny that is waging war against the earth and its people, we return to the Source to recover the Natural Law of Equality, Liberty, and Harmony. Guided by that Supreme Law, we reclaim the nation through our own Assemblies, Courts, and Militias, according to the free will of the people. Kanata is rising as that new nation, like the first buds of springtime.


This is the Voice of the Republic of Kanata and of its people.


This is Kanata Rising.


So now, it is time for each of us to choose:


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Listen to Kevin and the Voice of the Republic live every Sunday at 6 pm eastern at . The website of the Republic is See the evidence of genocide in Canada and globally at and  and .
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