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Global Alliance forms to oust Corporatocracy, restore liberty

The Republic Alliance
Global Alliance forms to oust Corporatocracy, restore liberty

Breaking News, May 9: Global Alliance forms to oust Corporatocracy, restore liberty: A Special Global Communique from The Republic Alliance: An International Federation of Free, Sovereign Nations



The Republic Alliance


Unite now to overthrow the Covid Corporatocracy!


A Special Global Communique from The Republic Alliance: An International Federation of Free, Sovereign Nations


Issued on Monday, May 9, 2022


For the past two years, a worldwide corporate tyranny has descended on humanity under the guise of a staged public health crisis. Everywhere, the rule of law and democracy lie in ruins. A new global fascism has deposed accountable governments and is enslaving the free people of the Earth. The time has come to end that tyranny and establish self-governing societies according to the free will of the people!


Millions of people have been waging individual, heroic battles in their own countries to defend their liberties and resist and overturn the covid tyranny. In eleven of those countries, and in eight allied indigenous nations, patriots have now separated themselves into new, sovereign Republics with their own legislative Assemblies, Courts, and Citizen Militias. They have passed and are enforcing their own laws that prohibit covid measures and arrest criminally convicted corporate, church, and government officials.


Those patriots are now going beyond defensive responses. They are joining hands across borders to establish an international federation of free, sovereign people to overthrow and replace the global Corporatocracy. That federation is the Republic Alliance.


From July 1-4, 2022, the Alliance is convening an international conference to issue an Emancipation Proclamation and Charter, and to plan joint actions to disestablish tyranny and reclaim their countries and their wealth for all the people. The Alliance member Republics will establish mutual trade and defense treaties to defend each other against the violence and criminality of the Corporatocracy and its puppet governments.


Alliance delegates will be attending or participating from Canada, America, England, Ireland, France, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Russia, China, New Zealand, Australia, and South Africa, and from the indigenous nations of the Chilcotin, Squamish, Anishinaabe, Mayan, Celtic, Basque, Tibetan, and Ainu people.


In the same way that survivors of genocide have united internationally to prosecute the Vatican, Big Pharma, and other child killing powers in an international common law court of justice, so too do the sovereign people of the earth now join hands to stop an even greater crime against all of humanity.


We will no longer tolerate the destructive rule of a few corporate technocrats and billionaire oligarchs! We are reclaiming the world for its people so that all can live in equality, liberty, and harmony with creation and one another! It is now only liberty or death!


We call upon all people to rally to the Republic Alliance and join or form sovereign Republics wherever they live, beginning with local sovereign Assemblies. As free men and women, we all have an inherent sovereignty and the unalienable right to govern ourselves.


To participate in the July conference, and to join or form a sovereign Republic in your country, contact and follow updates at and every Sunday at 6 pm eastern and 10 pm GMT at .


For the worldwide liberation of humanity! We will live free or die!


Issued by the Coordinating Committee of the Republic Alliance, May 9, 2022


Listen to Kevin and the Voice of the Republic live every Sunday at 6 pm eastern at . The website of the Republic is See the evidence of genocide in Canada and globally at and  and .