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Genocide and Apartheid are a lot closer than you think

Genocide and Apartheid are a lot closer than you think
Genocide and Apartheid are a lot closer than you think

Genocide and Apartheid are a lot closer than you think! 

A Message from the traditional elders of the Squamish and Musqueam nations

You don’t have to go to Gaza to encounter genocide. The land you occupy is drenched in the blood of our people.

Over 100,000 west coast aboriginals have been killed by Euro-Canadian and Chinese imperialism. 

Under Canada’s apartheid Indian Act, native people are not Canadian citizens but “wards of the Crown”.

We can be killed without legal consequence.  

UBC is heavily funded by the corporations that are pillaging the lands and lives of our nations, like PetroChina, B.C. Hydro, Weyerhaeuser and the BC Investment Management Corporation. 

Pharmaceutical companies tied to UBC like Pfizer, GSK, and Novartis are complicit in the medical murder of generations of Indian residential school children, over 60,000 of whom were killed by the Catholic, Anglican, and United Church.

As well, since the spring of 2004, the remains of missing indigenous women have been uncovered on the Musqueam Indian reserve next to UBC. According to former RCMP officer George Brown, 

“UBC is one of a dozen body dumping grounds around Vancouver where Indians and inconvenient people end up. It’s no secret to the campus officials.”

 When UBC students pay their tuition, they are funding these crimes against humanity. 

Start saying no to ongoing genocide in your own backyard!

You can start by attending one of our Free University seminars on campus and reading the truth of the Canadian Holocaust at . 

Contact our agent Kevin Annett Eagle Strong Voice at Listen to his weekly blog show every Sunday at 3 pm pacific at .


The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) and its adjunct International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) are common law courts of record established on June 15, 2010 under the Law of Nations. 

Their documents, warrants, and evidence can be found in part at under ITCCS Updates, ITCCS Archives, and Video Evidence.
Listen to their public voice live every Sunday at 6 pm eastern at . 
The Courts can also be contacted at .

The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) and its adjunct International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) are common law courts of record established on June 15, 2010 under the Law of Nations. 

Their documents, warrants, and evidence can be found in part at under ITCCS Updates, ITCCS Archives, and Video Evidence.
Listen to their public voice live every Sunday at 6 pm eastern at . 
The Courts can also be contacted at .
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