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Exposing the Covid and associated vaccines as a military attack on the populations of the world utilizing bio-weapons

Exposing the Covid and associated vaccines as a military attack on the populations of the world utilizing bio-weapons
Exposing the Covid and associated vaccines as a military attack on the populations of the world utilizing bio-weapons
Exposing the Covid and associated vaccines as a military attack on the populations of the world utilizing bio-weapons
Hari Om Everyone!
An Australian Senator Roberts just blew the whistle to Parliament in his speech exposing the Covid and associated vaccines as a military attack on the populations of the world utilizing bio-weapons. In his research he releases information that independent studies from famous universities and medical people have concluded that the vaccines should never have been given approval.Check out his full speech at by going to the main page and scrolling down on the right hand side of the page.  Further Surgeon General for Florida has released published info that there was an 86% increase in fatal heart attacks within 28 days of taking the vaccine. And Governor DeSantis has made vaccine passports banned in Florida.  7 Florida GOP counties have voted to ban the vax in their counties and requested this from the Governor based on public information provided by Dr. Karen Kingston who produced Pfizer documents on USA Watchdog this month that state that none of the so called vaccines were intended to prevent Covid or prevent the spread of Covid. That they knew all the side effects including death which makes them all war criminals in violation of the Nuremberg Codes and mass murderers. Part of the petition to ban the vax in those counties is based on the vax being labled as a biological and technological bio-weapon and was reported in the mainstream newspaper as I read the article. You can check this out with Google.   In addition they are in violation of informed consent as they never gave most people information concerning other treatments like Ivermectin or Hydroxyichloriquin nor information that they were injecting nanno which is electromagnetic into their bodies.Nobel prize winning Dr., Luc Montangier discoverer of HIV, was killed after he announced that if Canadians took a blood test they would find they had AIDS as you lose 30% of your immune system with each jab. Then Dr. Rashid Buttar was on CNN and exposed the link of the graphine oxide in the vaxxes as electromagnet and linked to the 5G system and then to an A.I. Program.  .He was dead a week later and told friends he was being poisoned. And Dr. Karen Kingston is hiding in Mexico after her appearance on USA Watchdog.  All of this is part of a depopulation program and part of global genocide so spread this info to all you know as they are planning to scare us about the new Covid Variant and Biden plans lockdowns again in September or October.  Rutgers University is requiring vaccines for the fall term as well as several other institutions and the TSA and all border security will be wearing masks soon. 
Screw the global agenda!
Om Shanti Charlie
P.S. In Florida if anyone asks you your vaccination status, it is a $10.000 fine by law, both in the private and public sector, as it is none of their business.  
Thanks Charles ET Yoga