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Co-Conspirators Named for Crimes against Humanity in Canada

Co-Conspirators Named for Crimes against Humanity in Canada

Co-Conspirators Named for Crimes against Humanity in Canada: Jean Chretien and top government, church, corporate officials issued âNotice of Liabilityâ; Evidence to be presented at a March 9 public hearing in Vancouver

Breaking News: For Immediate Release

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Co-Conspirators Named for Crimes against Humanity in Canada: Jean Chretien and top government, church, corporate officials issued “Notice of Liability”; Evidence to be presented at a March 9 public hearing in Vancouver


Twelve individuals, including former Prime Minister Jean Chretien, were publicly charged today with being part of an ongoing Criminal Conspiracy to aid and abet Genocide and other criminal activity in Canada.

The charge was made by former United Church of Canada minister Kevin Annett, who has led the campaign to expose and prosecute crimes in Canadian Indian residential schools. Annett was instrumental in compelling the official “apology” for the schools issued by the Canadian government in July of 2008.

Annett made his charges against the twelve individuals in a Notice of Liability document that was delivered today to Jean Chretien and the others.

The Notice of Liability, which precedes legal action, accuses those named of engaging in a Criminal Conspiracy that destroyed Annett’s life, family, work and reputation in order to conceal Crimes against Humanity and their own complicity in those crimes.

But the Notice also makes a contractual offer to the named persons that releases them from such liability provided they publicly admit their wrongdoing, disclose the details of their Conspiracy before the public, and make restitution for their losses to Kevin Annett and to others they have wronged, including the Canadian people and indigenous nations.

According to Annett’s Notice,

“this Criminal Conspiracy … is especially nefarious and a matter of public interest, in that it constitutes a threat to the laws, peace and welfare of Canada and all of its citizens by attempting to conceal and facilitate domestic Crimes against Humanity … accordingly, this Notice and Offer is also made by The Claimant on behalf of the Canadian people according to their interests of justice, public safety, the rule of law and democratic accountability.”

Annett’s Notice gives the people named until March 7, 2020 to respond. After then, the matter will be litigated and placed before the public and the media, including at a global press conference and public hearing to be held in Vancouver on Monday, March 9, 2020.

Annett commented today,

“It’s fitting that I’ve commenced this action on Ash Wednesday, February 26, which is the ninth anniversary of the medical murder in Vancouver of William Combes, an eyewitness to killings of children in Indian residential schools in B.C. William was one of seven indigenous activists and three Port Alberni residents who died after confronting the United, Catholic and Anglican churches for their crimes. Those who caused the death of these friends are named in my action today. The guilty will not escape justice.”

A copy of the Notice of Liability and Conditional Offer of Release follows, including the identity of the following persons who are named as Co-Conspirators:

Jean Chretien, former Prime Minister of Canada

Peter Montague, RCMP Inspector

John Creighton, former CEO and President of Weyerhauser Ltd.

John Cashore, United Church of Canada minister and former Aboriginal Affairs minister in the Government of British Columbia

Marion Best, former Moderator, United Church of Canada

Virginia Coleman, former General-Secretary, United Church of Canada

Jon Jessiman, legal counsel, United Church of Canada

Brian Thorpe, former Secretary, B.C. Conference, United Church of Canada

Phil Spencer, United Church minister

Foster Freed, United Church minister

James McNamee and Anne McNamee, private citizens

Issued February 26, 2020 in Vancouver by Kevin Annett under the auspices of the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) and Siem Kiapilano * of the Squamish Indigenous Nation and its Land Law jurisdiction.

* Siem Kiapilano, as the hereditary elder of the Squamish indigenous nation, legally evicted the Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada from his territory which encompasses all Greater Vancouver, in a writ filed in the Supreme Court of B.C. on March 4, 2008. On the same day, Kiapilano appointed Kevin Annett to act as his legal agent to enforce this Eviction Order and to prosecute these churches and the government of Canada for Crimes against Humanity. See website below.  


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See murderbydecree

Notice of Liability and Conditional Offer of Release

Issued by Kevin Daniel Annett (hereafter referred to as “The Claimant”) to Jean Chretien, Peter Montague, John Creighton, John Cashore, Marion Best, Virginia Coleman, Jon Jessiman, Brian Thorpe, Phil Spencer, Foster Freed, James McNamee and Anne McNamee (hereafter referred to as “The Accused”)


This is a Pre-Legal Notice and Contractual Offer issued on February 26, 2020 in the City of Vancouver

LET IT BE KNOWN as uncontested fact that The Claimant has been and continues to be the subject of a deliberate, brutal and ongoing Criminal Conspiracy by The Accused and their associates, planned and committed with malice aforethought and without justification, to destroy the Claimant’s livelihood, employability, professional standing, religious vocation, public reputation and good name, to rob him of his children and alienate him from them, and to attack, impede and destroy his life, civil rights, religious calling and public work;

LET IT FURTHER BE KNOWN that as a result of this Criminal Conspiracy, The Claimant has suffered and is suffering all of these losses and wrongs inflicted on him by The Accused, and consequently has endured and is enduring profound personal, financial and professional damages for which The Accused are responsible and liable as co-conspirators in this crime, and that The Claimant considers and accuses The Accused to be so liable;

LET IT FURTHER BE KNOWN that the purpose of this Criminal Conspiracy by The Accused was and continues to be to aid and abet the Crime of Genocide in Canada by Church, State and Business and to conceal their own and others’ malfeasance and complicity in these and other acts: a) the theft of indigenous lands and resources, b) the rape, torture, trafficking and murder of aboriginal children, c) the silencing and killing of witnesses to these crimes, d) the obstruction of justice, e) the destruction of the buried remains of Indian residential school children and of evidence pertaining to their suffering and death, and f) the marginalizing and destroying of the lives and the livelihoods of The Claimant and his aboriginal associates, and of their efforts to bring the truth of these crimes to public light and litigation;

LET IT FURTHER BE KNOWN that this Criminal Conspiracy by The Accused is especially nefarious and a matter of public interest, in that it constitutes a threat to the laws, peace and welfare of Canada and all of its citizens by attempting to conceal and facilitate domestic Crimes against Humanity; and that accordingly, this Notice and Offer is also made by The Claimant on behalf of the Canadian people, according to their interests of justice, public safety, the rule of law and democratic accountability.

LET IT FURTHER BE KNOWN that The Claimant is willing and prepared to release The Accused from their personal and collective liability for the suffering, losses and damages herein specified as experienced by The Claimant, according to the following conditions:

1. The Accused must publicly and in writing acknowledge their participation in or their knowledge of the said Criminal Conspiracy and disclose to The Claimant and in a public hearing all of the material, communications and other evidence pertaining to the Conspiracy, including in relation to a) the firing without cause and the unlawful “defrocking” of The Claimant by the United Church of Canada, b) the church-funded divorce and child custody lawsuit against The Claimant, c) the sabotage of The Claimant’s doctoral program of study at the University of British Columbia, and of his attempted ordination in the Unitarian Church, by United Church officials, and d) the ongoing misinformation and “black ops” campaigns directed against the Claimant by the RCMP, the United Church and the government of Canada since January, 1995.

2. The Accused must issue to The Claimant an unconditional public apology and admission of guilt for their actions in relation to the Claimant and for any damages and suffering caused by them against The Claimant and his children. Such an apology will constitute acceptance of legal responsibility by The Accused.

3. The Accused, and specifically the Officers of the United Church of Canada, must help restore The Claimant to the office, benefits and privileges of an ordained minister of the United Church. They must also publicly acknowledge the fraudulent and unlawful nature of The Claimant’s “defrocking” hearing and the participation of United Church officials in the destruction of the Claimant’s ministry, marriage, family, public reputation, university studies, professional retraining and employment.

4. The Accused must agree to financially compensate The Claimant for all his lost and denied income and financial losses arising from either their personal actions or their association with the said Conspiracy. These reparations will total no less than $1 million for general lost income and benefits, and no less than $2.5 million for personal suffering and damages caused to the Claimant by The Accused.

LET IT FURTHER BE KNOWN that this Contractual Offer of Honorable Settlement, if accepted by The Accused, does not release them from their liability and responsibility for the losses, suffering and damages inflicted by their actions on the Canadian people and the indigenous nations and their children, nor is this Offer intended to constitute such a release.

BE ADVISED that any failure by The Accused to respond to this Notice and Offer by March 7, 2020 - that is, within ten (10) days of its issuing to them - will constitute and be interpreted as an act of bad faith by them and as a tacit admission of guilt, liability and responsibility for the crimes and Conspiracy named herein. In the event of such a failure by The Accused to respond, The Claimant will be free to pursue and obtain just and necessary legal, moral and public remedies and reparations from The Accused, including by commencing private prosecutions and other legal actions against them, placing liens on their properties and assets, and performing citizen’s arrests and other defensive measures.

FURTHER BE ADVISED that any failure by The Accused to respond to this Notice and Offer will compel The Claimant to convene a Global Press Conference and Public Hearing on Monday, March 9, 2020 in the City of Vancouver to present to the world the details of this ongoing Criminal Conspiracy. The Claimant will make the same presentation before domestic and international Courts of Law and before the West Coast Common Law Court of Justice that will convene on Monday, March 30, 2020 in the City of Vancouver.

A complete list of charges and specifications related to the criminal actions of the Accused in relation to the Claimant and others will be submitted for the public record in the course of this action and at the Global Press Conference and Public Hearing on March 9, 2020.

Signed, Witnessed and Issued today, on the Twenty Sixth Day of February in the year 2020 in the City of Vancouver by me, The Claimant,

 (signed in the attached copy)


Rev. Kevin Daniel Annett, M.A., M.Div.

260 Kennedy Street, Nanaimo, B.C V9R 2H8                                                                                      

And witnessed by:



Brenda Gail Hearst, B.A.

General Delivery, 401 Main Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6A 2S9